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Nursing History Review

Jane Brooks, Editor


Annual Publication
ISSN 1062-8061
E-ISSN 1938-1913
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Nursing History Review

Jane Brooks, Editor

  • Description
  • Board
  • Submissions
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Nursing History Review, an annual peer-reviewed publication of the American Association for the History of Nursing, is a showcase for the most significant current research on nursing history. Regular sections include scholarly articles, keynote lectures, and methodological papers as well as reviews of the latest media and publications on nursing and healthcare history. Historians, researchers, and individuals fascinated with the rich field of nursing will find Nursing History Review an important resource.

American Association for the History of Nursing
History provides current nurses with the same intellectual and political tools that determined nursing pioneers applied to shape nursing values and beliefs to the social context of their times. Nursing history is not an ornament to be displayed on anniversary days, nor does it consist of only happy stories to be recalled and retold on special occasions. Nursing history is a vivid testimony, meant to incite, instruct, and inspire today's nurses as they bravely tread the winding path of a reinvented health care system.

To find out about these nursing pioneers and their efforts, join the American Association for the History of Nursing. Individuals are encouraged to become members of the association in order to receive the journal as a benefit of membership.

Jane Brooks, University of Manchester

Managing Editor
Doris Rikkers

Associate Editor
Michelle C. Hehman, University of Virginia, US

Assistant Editor
Erin Spinney, University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Book Review Editor
Annemarie McAllister

Media Review Editor
Lydia Wytenbroek

Nursing History Review welcomes original research manuscripts in broad areas related to the history of nursing, health care, health policy, and society. The Review defines original research as research based on primary sources. Authors should set their argument within the context of the published literature about their topic—at times using the secondary literature as historical context, and at times reinterpreting past arguments.

Submissions should be uploaded to the journal’s online submission and peer review system. The Submission guidelines should be viewed before uploading a manuscript and can also be accessed from the submission site.

Queries about manuscripts should be sent to the editor, (

Nursing History Review prefers manuscripts of approximately 7,000–15,000 words (including endnotes) for the main articles. Manuscripts for the student section should be 4,000–5,000 words (including endnotes). This section is open to doctoral or postdoctoral students and early career researchers. Book and Media Reviews (600–900 words) should be sent to the corresponding editors listed below:

Book Review Editor: (
Media Review Editor: (

Institutional Print & Online - $318.00

Institutional Print or Online - $228.00

Institutional Single Issue - $232.00

Individual Print & Online - $298.00

Individual Print or Online - $208.00

Individual Single Issue - $213.00

Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00

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