Meet Our Editors

Assistant Director and Editor-in-Chief
Since joining the Press in 2010 (and well before that), I have acquired academic books in a number of fields. My current focus is on new titles in graphic medicine and comics studies, pursuing work by researchers in the health humanities, medical practitioners, and activists analyzing the ways in which comics address the scaled meanings of health. In addition to considering monographs and edited collections, I’m interested in receiving pitches for innovative manuscripts arising from comics-based research. For the graphic novel fans among us, I am also the Publisher of PSU Press's Graphic Mundi trade graphic novel imprint.
I have the pleasure of collaborating on all of the above with Josie DiKerby.

Executive Editor
I have been acquiring prizewinning books at PSU Press since 2006 and remain ever on the alert for innovative, timely, and engaged scholarship in the following areas: art and architecture, history of photography, arts criticism, medieval and early modern studies, Iberian and Latin American studies, and magic and esotericism. Translations of essential primary source materials in these fields are always of interest.
Associate Acquisitions Editor Maddie Caso and I collaborate closely to guide authors and to shepherd their books into the pipeline.

Acquisitions Editor
I joined Penn State University Press in 2023, where I acquire in the (sometimes overlapping) areas of religious studies, Jewish studies, Pennsylvania and mid-Atlantic history, and German studies. Within these fields, I am especially interested in projects that engage with: lived religion, liberation theology, sexual ethics, histories of enslavement and abolition, transnational thought, labor studies, the history of ideas, material culture studies, and public humanities. In all subject areas, I seek out works that read against the grain, take an intersectional approach, or use history to enrich or complicate how we understand our political present. I believe that writing is revising and enjoy working with authors on questions of framing, style, scope, and clarity to help their writing reach its widest audience.
I am fortunate to collaborate in these endeavors with Josie DiKerby.

Acquisitions Editor
I joined Penn State University Press in 2022, where I lead the Press’s distinguished list in rhetoric and communication studies, and am delighted to build a new list in Africana studies. I am excited to cultivate interdisciplinary, public-facing scholarly books that critically amplify the histories, languages, and practices of overlooked communities, and publish ambitious general interest books that move beyond critiquing current paradigms to instead build new, more just, ones.
I am fortunate to collaborate with Josie DiKerby on these endeavors.

Associate Acquisitions Editor
I first joined the Press in 2019 as an editorial assistant, and now acquire books for the Interactions in the Early Modern Age series and the Penn State Series in History of the Book. The early modern period was a time of upheaval, and books in this series should address how people interacted with the changes going on around them. For History of the Book, I’m looking for scholarship that speaks to authorship, bibliographic, and printing and illustration studies through different methodological lenses.
I am fortunate to support Eleanor H. Goodman in her acquisitions.

Editorial Assistant
I started as an editorial assistant at Pennsylvania State University Press in 2021, and I have the privilege of assisting Kendra Boileau, Tristan Bates, and Archna Patel. In addition, I help send gratis copies of books upon publication. Working with authors to make their book the best possible version it can be is my favorite part of my job.

Production/Editorial Assistant
I have assisted the acquisitions editor for the Eisenbrauns imprint at Penn State University Press since 2022. Combining work in both the acquisitions and production departments, I love helping a manuscript transform from initial proposal to printed book.