Cover image for The Arthur Miller Journal

The Arthur Miller Journal

Stephen Marino, Editor


Biannual Publication
ISSN 1558-8831
E-ISSN 2333-3154
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The Arthur Miller Journal

Stephen Marino, Editor

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The Arthur Miller Journal
aims to reach the many audiences who both read Arthur Miller’s dramatic and non-dramatic work and attend productions of his plays. Thus, the journal’s target audience is wide, ranging from experts in Miller scholarship, academics interested in American and world drama, theatre professionals, graduate and undergraduate students exploring Miller, and theatre-goers. AMJ covers the subject areas/disciplines of English language arts, American literature, American drama, and American and world theatre and theatre arts. The Arthur Miller Journal is also of interest to political and cultural historians because of Arthur Miller’s stature as a political figure and celebrity.

The journal is affiliated with the Arthur Miller Society, whose primary aim is to promote the study of Arthur Miller and his work and provide a lasting legacy to Arthur Miller’s significant contributions to American drama.

Stephen Marino, St. Francis College, US

Executive Editor
Ian Maloney, St. Francis College, US

Book Review Editor
Stefani Koorey, Pear Tree Press, US

Performance Review Editor
Susan C. W. Abbotson, Rhode Island College, US

Advisory Board
Janet Balakian, Kean University, US
Christopher Bigsby, University of East Anglia, US
Enoch Brater, University of Michigan, US
Jane K. Dominik, San Joaquin Delta College, US
Ramon Espejo-Romero, Universidad de Sevilla, ES
Paula Langteau, Presentation College, US
Lew Livesay, St. Peter’s College, US
Brenda Murphy, University of Connecticut, US
Terry Otten, Wittenberg University, US
David Palmer, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, US
Joshua Polster, Emerson College, US
Matthew C. Roudané, Georgia State University, US

The Arthur Miller Journal welcomes essays on any aspect of Miller’s life, work, career, and connection to other writers. We invite book, production, film and performance reviews. We also are interested in publishing teaching notes and short notes regarding new approaches to Miller and his work.

If you would like to submit an article to The Arthur Miller Journal, please visit and create an author profile. The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your article for submission to the editorial office. Refer to the submission guidelines before uploading your manuscript.

Institutional Print & Online - $267.00

Institutional Print or Online - $190.00

Institutional Single Issue - $103.00

Individual Print & Online - $72.00

Individual Print or Online - $50.00

Individual Single Issue - $32.00

Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00

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