Edith Wharton Review
Rita Bode, Editor
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Edith Wharton Review is a peer-reviewed, MLA-indexed, scholarly journal publishing scholarship on Edith Wharton, Wharton in the context of other authors, and Wharton in relation to other writers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Its audience is the community of scholars and readers dedicated to the understanding of Edith Wharton’s work and its role in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century culture.
‘A Lost Edith Wharton Play Emerges From Scholarly Sleuthing’ – from The New Yorker, May 26, 2017
Edith Wharton Review is the official refereed publication of the Edith Wharton Society. The Edith Wharton Society is an Allied Organization of the Modern Language Association, founded in 1983. A growing organization of scholars, students, and enthusiasts, the Edith Wharton Society promotes interest in the writing and life of Edith Wharton and her associates.
Rita Bode, Trent University-Durham, CA
Special Advisory Editor
Dale Bauer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US
Associate Editors
Shannon Brennan, Carthage College, US
Myrto Drizou, Nord University, NO
Katrin Horn, University of Bayreuth, DE
Editorial Board
Donna Campbell, Washington State University, US
Nir Evron, Tel Aviv University, IL
Jennifer Haytock, SUNY Brockport, US
Hildegard Hoeller, College of Staten Island, US
Julie Olin-Ammentorp, LeMoyne College, US
Emily Orlando, Fairfield University, US
Laura Rattray, University of Glasgow, UK
Virginia Ricard, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, FR
Carol Singley, Rutgers University-Camden, US
Gary Totten, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, US
To submit a manuscript to the editorial office, please visit http://www.editorialmanager.com/ewr and create an author profile. The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your manuscript. Inquiries regarding article submissions may be directed to the editor, Rita Bode at .
Critical articles for consideration on all aspects of Wharton are welcome. Submissions should be between 20 and 30 pages and follow the latest edition of the MLA Style Manual.
Archival, pedagogical, and review essays may be shorter than 20 pages. Archival pieces highlight previously unpublished materials by Wharton, or those that help us gain new understanding of her life and work (letters about Wharton or members of her circle or family, or manuscripts referring to Wharton, for example). Pedagogical pieces should offer approaches taken to Wharton in the classroom. Review essays might be pieces on little-read works by Wharton and work by her associates; they might also focus on Wharton’s status in contemporary culture. Authors wishing to submit such articles should query the Editor.
The journal reviews scholarship on Wharton as well as work on literature at the turn of the century, early-twentieth-century American literature, and American women’s writing more generally.
Send books for review to:
Shannon Brennan, Department of English, Carthage College, 2001 Alford Park Drive, Kenosha, WI 53140
Institutional Print & Online - $318.00
Institutional Print or Online - $228.00
Institutional Single Issue - $122.00
Individual Print & Online - $82.00
Individual Print or Online - $60.00
Individual Single Issue - $36.00
Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00
European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
MLA International Bibliography
Web of Science Core Collection: Emerging Sources Citation Index
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