Gestalt Review
Susan L. Fischer, Editor
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Launched in 1997, Gestalt Review is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a worldwide forum for exchanges in theory and practice. It concentrates on the Gestalt approach at all levels of system: from the individual, couples, families, and groups, to organizations, educational settings, and the community-at-large. Published two times a year, the journal includes original articles dealing with politics, philosophy, gender, and culture. There is also a section for book reviews and reflections. It is targeted to Gestalt theorists, Gestalt therapists, Organizational Development professionals, psychologists, social workers, clinicians, counselors, educators, and the community-at-large.
The Gestalt International Study Center (GISC) believes that awareness of yourself and how you work with others is the path toward having significant influence on people, greater personal and professional growth, and ultimate success. At the Gestalt International Study Center, powerful and practical learning experiences help you develop the ability to act with awareness and intention, to respond to challenges with more confidence and ease, and to create profound and positive change.
Susan L. Fischer, PhD, Bucknell University, US
Associate Editors
Nancy Amendt-Lyon, DPhil, Austrian Association for Gestalt Therapy, AT
Dan Bloom, JD, LCSW, New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, US
Peter Cole, LCSW, Sierra Institute for Contemporary Gestalt Therapy, US
Ruella Frank, PhD, New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, US
Jon Frew, PhD, Pacific University School of Graduate Psychology, US
Elinor Greenberg, PhD, New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, US
Gary Yontef, PhD, LCSW, Pacific Gestalt Institute-Los Angeles, US
Editorial Advisory Board
Jack Aylward, EdD, New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, US
Billy Desmond, MSc, MBA, Gestalt Institute of Ireland-Teach Bhríde, IE/UK
Liv Estrup, MA, Gestalt Associates Training Los Angeles, US
Sarah Fallon, SRAsT(D), Dip GPTI, South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Iris Fodor, PhD, New York University, US
Gianni Francesetti, MD, University of Torino, IT
Leslie S. Greenberg, PhD, York University, CA
E. Rachel Hochman, MS, Private Practitioner, Independent Scholar, US
Gaie Houston, MA, Gestalt Training Centre-London, UK
Lynne Jacobs, PhD, Pacific Gestalt Institute-Los Angeles, US
Talia Levine Bar-Yoseph, MA, Independent Scholar, IL
Jochen Lohmeier, PhD, University of the Western Cape, ZA
Mark McConville, PhD, Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, US
Alan Meara, MGT, Gestalt Australia and New Zealand, AU
Michael Vincent Miller, PhD, New York Institute of Gestalt Therapy, US
Peter Mortola, PhD, Lewis and Clark Graduate School of Education & Counseling, US
Eleanor O'Leary, PhD, University of Cork, IE
Brian O'Neill, BA (Hons) MAPS, University of Wollongong, AU
Malcolm Parlett, PhD, Whole Intelligence Now, Independent Scholar, UK
Susan E. Partridge, PhD, LCSW, Private Practitioner, US
Erving Polster, PhD, Gestalt Training Center-San Diego, US
Jean-Marie Robine, PsyD, Institut Français de Gestalt-thérapie-Bordeaux, FR
Susan Roos
Jan Roubal, MD, PhD, Masaryk University-Brno, CZ
Stuart N. Simon, LICSW, Gestalt International Study Center, US
Margherita Spagnuolo-Lobb, PhD, Istituto di Gestalt HCC, IT
Sarah Toman, PhD, Cleveland State University, US
Daan van Baalen, MD, Norwegian Gestalt Institute-Oslo, NO
Carmen Vázquez Bandín, PhD, Centro de Terapia y Psicología-Madrid, ES
Gordon Wheeler, PhD, Esalen Institute, US
Ansel Woldt, EdD, Kent State University, US
Founding Editor
Joseph Melnick, PhD, Gestalt International Study Center, US
Gestalt International Study Center
Laurie Fitzpatrick, Managing Director, US
Gestalt Review is committed to working with authors in a productive and collaborative manner. Original manuscripts should be prepared according to Gestalt International Study Center stipulations and Chicago Manual of Style (author-date format). Generally, manuscripts should not exceed 8,000 words including notes and references. All submissions should include the following: an abstract of approximately 100 words; 3-5 keywords; email address; and a 2-3 sentence biography with your most advanced academic degree/professional title.
To submit an article, please visit The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your article to the editorial office. Manuscripts must not have been published, nor submitted for publication, elsewhere. Questions may be sent to the editor at .
Please view the submission guidelines here or view them on the submission site in the About section in the navigation bar before submitting your manuscript.
Ethics Statement
By submitting articles to Gestalt Review, authors (including, but not limited to,
psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, mental health
counselors, coaches, leaders) confirm that they have complied with the ethical
standards and conduct in the treatment of their research presented in the manuscript,
as detailed below:
-Authors must be transparent with participants about the purpose of the
research, the expected time period, the procedures, and their rights to
decline to participate.
-Authors must obtain informed consent from research participants before
recording their voices or images for data collection.
-When authors conduct research with clients/patients, students, or
subordinates as participants, they take measures to protect those
participants from unfavorable consequences of declining or withdrawing
from participation.
-Authors do not fabricate or misrepresent data. If significant errors
are discovered in their published data, they are required to make a
reasonable effort to correct such errors in an erratum.
-Authors may not present sections of another’s work or data as their own,
even if the other work or data source is cited from time to time.
-Authors must confirm that the manuscript has not been published nor
submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. The exception
concerns translations of a work previously published in a language other
than English, in which case appropriate rights and permission must have
been secured.
Institutional Print & Online - $277.00
Institutional Print or Online - $198.00
Institutional Single Issue - $105.00
Individual Print & Online - $90.00
Individual Print or Online - $61.00
Individual Single Issue - $37.00
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