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Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science


Biannual Publication
ISSN 1044-6753
E-ISSN 2475-1898
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Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science

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The Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science publishes original papers, research notes, commentary, editorials, viewpoints, and review articles in the natural, physical, engineering, and social sciences.

The journal is a publication of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science.

Christopher Brey, Marywood University, US
Stephen G. Mech, Albright College
Russell Minton, Gannon University, US

Editorial Board
Fred J. Brenner, Grove City College
Mike Campbell, Mercyhurst College
A. Ralph Cavaliere, Gettysburg College
Greg Czarnecki, Office of Consveration Science
Sarah J. Ewing, Gannon University
Daniel Klem Jr., Muhlenberg University
Robert A. Kurt, Lafayette College
Kelly Orlando, Immaculata University
Assad I. Panah, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Matthew S. Wallace, East Stroudsburg University

To submit an article, please visit The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your article to the editorial office.

All papers must discuss the relevance of the data presented and a clear interpretation of its meaning in view of current knowledge of the discipline concerned. Authors are requested to examine recent issues of the Journal in order to conform to the general style of the journal. Papers are accepted for consideration at any time. Submitted manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been published, copyrighted or submitted for publication elsewhere and that all persons cited as a personal communication have consented to be cited. Additionally, submission of the manuscript is a representation that all the authors for the said manuscript and the institution where the research was carried out have approved its publication. Signed authorization will be required as appropriate.

Institutional Print & Online - $593.00

Institutional Print or Online - $423.00

Institutional Single Issue - $218.00

Individual Print & Online - $133.00

Individual Print or Online - $96.00

Individual Single Issue - $54.00

Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00

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