The Langston Hughes Review
Tony Bolden, Editor
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The Langston Hughes Review publishes articles and reviews on Langston Hughes, Harlem Renaissance, and cultural figures whose contributions and aesthetics are related to Hughes’s. In addition, LHR publishes poems and visual art. We envision artists in multiple media and scholars of the following disciplines as our primary audience: English, History, African American Studies, Women’s Studies, American Studies, Cultural Studies, Art History, Ethnomusicology, and Law.
Founded in 1981, the Langston Hughes Society (LHS) was the first scholarly association named in honor of an African American writer. The LHS is a national association of scholars, teachers, creative and performing artists, students, and lay persons who seek to increase awareness and appreciation of Langston Hughes (1 February 1902 – 22 May 1967), the first African-American writer to make his living solely by his pen. Visit them online:
Tony Bolden, University of Kansas, US
Consulting Editor
Edgar Tidwell, University of Kansas, US
Book Review Editor
Kenton Rambsy, University of Texas at Arlington, US
Poetry Editor
Tara Betts, US
Editorial Board
Adam J. Banks, Stanford University, US
Wallis C. Baxter III, Langston Hughes Society, US
Adam Bradley, University of Colorado at Boulder, US
Tara T. Green, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, US
Donna Akiba Harper, Spelman College, US
Scott Heath, Georgia State University, US
DaMaris B. Hill, University of Kentucky, US
Vera Kutzinski, Vanderbilt University, US
Clarence Lang, Pennsylvania State University, US
Keith Leonard, American University, US
Thabiti Lewis, Washington State University, US
Jean-Philippe Marcoux, Universite Laval, CA
R. Baxter Miller, University of Georgia, US
Michael New, Saint Anselm College, US
Aldon Lynn Nielsen, Pennsyvania State University, US
Kinohi Nishikawa, Princeton University, US
Howard Rambsy II, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, US
Kathy Lou Schultz, University of Memphis, US
Jim Smethurst, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, US
Steven C. Tracy, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, US
Jerry W. Ward Jr., Independent Scholar, US
Autumn Womack, Princeton University, US
To submit a manuscript, please visit and create an author profile. The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your manuscript.
Institutional Print & Online - $240.00
Institutional Print or Online - $172.00
Institutional Single Issue - $93.00
Individual Print & Online - $63.00
Individual Print or Online - $46.00
Individual Single Issue - $30.00
Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00
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