Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural
Debbie Felton, Editor
Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural
Debbie Felton, Editor
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Preternature provides an interdisciplinary, inclusive forum for the study of topics that stand in the liminal space between the known world and the inexplicable. The journal embraces a broad and dynamic definition of the preternatural that encompasses the weird and uncanny—magic, witchcraft, spiritualism, occultism, esotericism, demonology, monstrophy, and more, recognizing that the areas of magic, religion, and science are fluid and that their intersections should continue to be explored, contextualized, and challenged.
Debbie Felton, University of Massachusetts Amherst, US
Associate Editor
Thea Tomaini, University of Southern California, US
Acquisitions Editor
Marisa Mills, Pensacola State College, US
Book Review Editor
Jeffrey A. Tolbert, The Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, US
Editorial Board
Michelle Brock, Washington and Lee University, US
Guido Dall'Olio, University of Urbino, IT
Owen Davies, University of Hertforshire, GB
Sarah Ferber, University of Wollongong, AU
David Frankfurter, Boston University, US
David Gange, University of Birmingham, GB
Aparajita Hazra, Diamond Harbour Women’s University, IN
Jeffrey J. Kripal, Rice University, US
Asa Mittman, Cal State University, Chico, US
Diane Purkiss, Keble College, Oxford, GB
Richard Raiswell, University of Prince Edward Island, CA
Kirsten Uszkalo, Port Coquitlam, CA
Founding Editors
Richard Raiswell, University of Prince Edward Island, CA
Kirsten Uszkalo, Port Coquitlam, CA
Preternature typically publishes articles within 12 months of acceptance.
To submit a manuscript to the editorial office, please visit http://www.editorialmanager.com/preternature/ and create an author profile. The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your article for submission to the editorial office.
Preternature, a rigorously peer-reviewed journal, welcomes submissions of original research in English from any academic discipline and theoretical approach relating to the role and significance of the preternatural. The journal publishes scholarly articles, notes, and reviews covering all time periods and cultures. Additionally, Preternature is pleased to consider original editions or translations of relevant texts from contemporary or ancient languages that have not yet appeared in scholarly edition or been made available in English.
Click here for Author Submission Guidelines.
Publishers with books for review may contact the Book Review Editor, Jeffrey Tolbert at
Institutional Print & Online - $302.00
Institutional Print or Online - $214.00
Institutional Single Issue - $113.00
Individual Print & Online - $77.00
Individual Print or Online - $56.00
Individual Single Issue - $35.00
Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00
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