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Philosophy & Rhetoric

Erik Doxtader, Editor


Philosophy & Rhetoric

Erik Doxtader, Editor

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  • Indexing

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"The writers who can satisfy more than one audience are all too few. Philosophy and Rhetoric provides a rare forum in which writers are encouraged to practice something more than the same old professional disabilities."
—James Crosswhite, University of Oregon

Philosophy & Rhetoric is dedicated to the publication of high-quality scholarship involving the relationship between philosophy and rhetoric. Published quarterly, the journal features peer-reviewed articles, along with select essays, forums, book reviews, and an annual special issue.

Philosophy & Rhetoric invites articles on such topics as the relationship between logic and rhetoric, the philosophical aspects of argumentation (including argumentation in philosophy itself), philosophical views on the nature of rhetoric held by historical figures and during historical periods, philosophical analyses of the relationship to rhetoric of other areas of human culture and thought, political theory and law, and psychological and sociological studies of rhetoric with a strong philosophical emphasis. With its longstanding commitment to interdisciplinary scholarship, the journal welcomes all theoretical and methodological approaches that advance its mission.

To consult current and back issues of Philosophy & Rhetoric, please see the Scholarly Publishing Collective and Project MUSE links to the left.

Erik Doxtader, University of South Carolina, US

Forum and Essay Editor
Omedi Ochieng, Denison University, US

Book Review Editor
Kelly E. Happe, University of Georgia, US

Editorial Assistant
Michael Kennedy, University of South Carolina, US

Editorial Board
Shadi Bartsch, University of Chicago, US
Michael Bernard-Donals, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US
Barbara Biesecker, University of Georgia, US
Sarah Burgess, University of San Francisco, US
Barbara Cassin, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR
Leah Ceccarelli, University of Washington, US
Ralph Cintrón, University of Illinois At Chicago, US
Rebecca Comay, University of Toronto, CA
Marianne Constable, University of California, Berkeley, US
James Crosswhite, University of Oregon, US
Diane Davis, University of Texas at Austin, US
Louise du Toit, Stellenbosch University, ZA
Elizabeth Goodstein, Emory University, US
Daniel M. Gross, University of California, Irvine, US
Beth Innocenti, University of Kansas, US
Mari Lee Mifsud, University of Richmond, US
Daniele Lorenzini, University of Warwick, GB
Steven J. Mailloux, Loyola Marymount University, US
John Muckelbauer, University of South Carolina, US
Stuart Murray, Carleton University, CA
Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Columbia University, US
Robin Reames, University of Illinois, Chicago, US
Thomas Rickert, Purdue University, US
Philippe-Joseph Salazar, University of Cape Town, US
Edward Schiappa, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
Peter Simonson, University of Colorado, Boulder, US
Nathan Stormer, University of Maine, US
Christopher Tindale, University of Windsor, CA
Donald Verene, Emory University, US
Bradford Vivian, Pennsylvania State University, US
Linda Zerilli, University of Chicago, US

Philosophy and Rhetoric accepts only electronic submissions. All submissions must be uploaded through the Editorial Manager System Inquiries regarding potential submissions and other editorial matters should be directed to the appropriate address below.

Submitted article manuscripts should not exceed 9,500 words (including text, endnotes, and works cited).

Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format and double-spaced throughout.

Authors should remove their name(s), along with all other self-identifying material, from their submission.

All submissions should employ a parenthetical citation system, with endnotes and a works cited list. On all matters of style and documentation, authors should consult The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. and recent issues of the journal.

Philosophy & Rhetoric does not consider manuscripts that are under review for publication elsewhere.

The journal does not generally consider material that has been published—in print or online form. In cases where a submission includes a small quantity of already published material, it is the responsibility of authors to disclose the full extent and source of prior publication. Such disclosure must be made at the time of submission.

Submissions that do not conform to the journal's rules and style may be returned.

Upon publication, authors receive one print and one electronic (PDF) copy of the issue in which their article appears.

General editorial inquiries:
To contact the journal's editorial office via email, send inquiries to or click .

Inquiries via post: Erik Doxtader, Editor, Philosophy & Rhetoric, Department of English Language and Literature, Welsh Humanities Building, University of South Carolina, Columbia SC 29208.

Book review inquiries:
To contact the Book Review Editor via email, send inquiries to or click .

Books for review should be sent to: Kelly Happe, Book Review Editor, Philosophy & Rhetoric, Department of Communication Studies, Caldwell Hall, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602.

Institutional Print & Online - $342.00

Institutional Print or Online - $246.00

Institutional Single Issue - $68.00

Individual Print & Online - $101.00

Individual Print or Online - $72.00

Individual Single Issue - $25.00

Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $25.00

Web of Science Core Collection: Arts & Humanities Citation Index
European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)
MLA International Bibliography

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