The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies
Christopher Wixson, Editor
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The author of more than sixty plays, George Bernard Shaw remains one of the best-known and most prolific Irish playwrights of the twentieth century. Known for his ability to blend social issues into his dramas, Shaw won both a Nobel Prize for Literature and an Oscar (for Pygmalion).
SHAW: The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies is the official publication of the International Shaw Society, which seeks to “provide a means for those interested in the life, times, works, and career of Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw and his circle to organize their activities and interests, exchange information and ideas, and promote an interest in Shaw worldwide.”
Christopher Wixson, Eastern Illinois University, US
Associate Editor
Brigitte Bogar, York University, US
Miguel Cisneros Perales, Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Editorial Board
Jennifer Buckley, University of Iowa, US
Mary Christian, Middle Georgia State University
Leonard Conolly, Trent University, US
Richard F. Dietrich, University of South Florida, US
Ellen Dolgin, Dominican College, US
Bernard Dukore, Virginia Tech, US
Peter Gahan, Film Editor, Los Angeles, US
Bob A. Gaines, Auburn University at Montgomery, US
Anthony Matthews Gibbs, Macquarie University, AU
Nicholas Grene, Trinity College, Dublin, IR
Dorothy A. Hadfield, University of Waterloo, CA
Brad Kent, Université Laval, CA
Lagretta Tallent Lenker, University of South Florida, US
Gustavo A. Rodríguez Martín, Universidad de Extremadura
Audrey McNamara, University College, Dublin, IR
Michael O'Hara, Ball State University, US
Sally Peters, Wesleyan University, US
John R. Pfeiffer, Central Michigan University, US
Michel W. Pharand, Queen's University, CA
Jean Reynolds, Polk State College, US
Nelson O'Ceallaigh Ritschel, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, US
E. Ann Saddlemyer, University of Toronto, CA
Julie Sparks, San Jose State University, US
Tony Stafford, University of Texas, El Paso, US
Lawrence Switzky, University of Toronto, CA
J. P. Wearing, University of Arizona, US
To submit an article to SHAW, please visit and create an author profile. The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your article for submission to the editorial office.
Please view the submission guidelines here or view them on the submission site in the About section in the navigation bar before submitting your manuscript.
SHAW is currently accepting submissions for the following issues:
SHAW 45.2 (December 2025) and SHAW 46.2 (December 2026) will include articles on general topics. For inquiries about those issues or other information about SHAW, contact Christopher Wixson at .
SHAW 46.1 (June 2026): SHAW AND IRELAND
In an “interview” in The Evening Sun, 9 December 1911, Bernard Shaw remarked that Ireland “ . . . is producing serious men — not merely Irishmen, you understand, for an Irishman is only a parochial man after all, but men in the fullest international as well as the national sense—the wide human sense.” Bernard Shaw considered himself one of those same “international Irishmen,” though his native identity and strong connection to his homeland was often overshadowed by his international outlook. Moreover, Shaw’s opposition to violence and abhorrence of nationalism often put him at odds with those fighting for Irish Independence. While Shaw frequently used the world stage to comment on Ireland and the Irish, many of his peers and critics have misinterpreted Shaw’s global views and tongue-in-cheek satiric mode as an indication that he was anti-Ireland or at least, indifferent to his homeland and his birthright. Thankfully, Bernard Shaw’s Irish identity has been firmly re-established in the last fifteen years both in the field of Shaw Studies and Irish Revivalist Studies. Peter Gahan’s Bernard Shaw and the Irish Literary Tradition (2010) and Audrey McNamara’s Bernard Shaw: Reimagining Women and Ireland 1892–1914 (2023) bookend more than a decade’s long campaign to restore Shaw to his rightful place within the Irish Dramatic Canon. As is the case with Shaw, though, there is always more to say on the subject. This special issue will celebrate Shaw’s relationship to Ireland and his Irish identity through his marked international perspective. We welcome articles on any aspect of Shaw’s international perspective, especially those which speak to his interest in identity, gender, feminism, socialism, nationalism, and internationalism. Please submit essays by 1 March 2025. Inquiries and proposals should be directed to guest co-editors Audrey McNamara and Justine Zapin .
SHAW 47.1 (June 2027): “Unpopular Shaw”
SHAW 47.1 will take as its subject the many controversial statements by Shaw that made him unpopular, even at times a pariah, during his lifetime. What were the repercussions, both socially (indignation? vilification? ostracization?) and personally (vexation? depression? retaliation?), of Shaw’s (often deliberately) provocative pronouncements in letters, speeches, broadcasts, and interviews, and of his polemical writings: articles, essays, reviews, prefaces? What was his perspective on popularity itself? What deeper insights emerge when we analyze the ways in which his unpopularity have been configured, construed, and protested since his death, especially in this century? Essays may dig in to (but are not limited to) the following topics: abortion, contraception, censorship, child rearing, education, crime and punishment, eugenics, dictators, warfare and nationalism, spelling reform, the medical profession, female suffrage, same-sex desire/unions, marriage and divorce, prostitution, race and nationality, religion, taxation, legislation, sanitation, vivisection, politics and government, publishers and publishing, actors and acting, the monarchy, the media, and works such as Common Sense About the War and The Political Madhouse in America and Nearer Home, among others. Inquiries and proposals should be directed to guest editor James Armstrong .
Institutional Print & Online - $302.00
Institutional Print or Online - $214.00
Institutional Single Issue - $113.00
Individual Print & Online - $115.00
Individual Print or Online - $81.00
Individual Single Issue - $46.00
Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00
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