Wesley and Methodist Studies
Joseph W. Cunningham, Editor
Geordan Hammond, Editor
James E. Pedlar, Editor
Wesley and Methodist Studies
Joseph W. Cunningham, Editor
Geordan Hammond, Editor
James E. Pedlar, Editor
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Wesley and Methodist Studies publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles that examine the life and work of John and Charles Wesley, their contemporaries in the 18th century Evangelical Revival, their historical and theological antecedents, their successors in the Wesleyan and Evangelical traditions, and studies of these traditions today. We conceive of Methodist, Wesleyan, and Evangelical studies broadly and publish articles on these traditions from any academic discipline and from multidisciplinary perspectives.
WMS is a project of the Manchester Wesley Research Centre and is published biannually.
Joseph W. Cunningham, Eureka College, US
Geordan Hammond, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, US
James E. Pedlar, Tyndale University, CA and Manchester Wesley Research Centre, UK
Associate Editors
Rachel Cope, Brigham Young University, US
Joel Houston, Briercrest College and Seminary, CA
Erika K. R. Stalcup, CH and Cliff College, UK
Book Review Editor
Martin Wellings, World Methodist Historical Society, UK
Editorial Board
Kimberly Ervin Alexander, Ramp School of Ministry, US
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Trinity Theological Seminary, GH
Joanna Cruickshank, Deakin University, AU
Dennis C. Dickerson, Vanderbilt University, US
David N. Field, Methodist e-Academy, CH
Dion Forster, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL
William Gibson, Oxford Brookes University and University of Oxford, UK
Chris E. W. Green, Southeastern University, US
David Ceri Jones, Aberystwyth University, UK
Thomas Sie-Ngiu Lau, Methodist Theological School, MY
Julie A. Lunn, Nazarene Theological College, UK
Mark A. Maddix, Nazarene Theological College, UK
Randy L. Maddox, Duke Divinity School, US
Philip R. Meadows, Asbury Theological Seminary, US
Clive Norris, Oxford Brooks University, UK
Glen O’Brien, Eva Burrows College, University of Divinity, AU
Chang Hoon Park, Seoul Theological University, KP
Priscilla Pope-Levison, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, US
Helmut Renders, Methodist University of São Paulo, BR
Isabel Rivers, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Ulrike Schuler, Reutlingen School of Theology, DE
Karen B. Westerfield Tucker, Boston University School of Theology, US
If you would like to submit an article to Wesley and Methodist Studies, please visit http://www.editorialmanager.com/wms and create an author profile. The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your article for submission to the editorial office.
Institutional Print & Online - $229.00
Institutional Print or Online - $164.00
Institutional Single Issue - $88.00
Individual Print & Online - $59.00
Individual Print or Online - $44.00
Individual Single Issue - $28.00
Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00
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