Interactions in the Early Modern Age
New and Bestselling Books
- Beware the Poetry
Javier Castro-Ibaseta
- Murder and Madness on Trial
Mònica Calabritto
About this Series
We invite works that broaden our understanding of the ways in which people in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries encountered a world in transition. New religious expressions, technological advances, emerging cross-continental empires, environmental and social upheavals, and interactions among previously unconnected peoples and states both demanded and created a new world view; promoting change among some, retrenchment among others. Books in this series explore these changes, and their reception, from multiple perspectives. Topics covered include women and gender, race and ethnicity, religious expression and dissent, popular culture, technology, economics, politics and power, war and military practice.
**A previous version of this series was published as Early Modern Studies by Truman State University Press through 2018 and by the Penn State University Press through 2020.**
Questions or submissions should be directed to:
Series Editor, David Whitford, Baylor University,
PSU Press Associate Acquisitions Editor, Maddie Caso,
David M. Whitford
Advisory Board:
Surekha Davies
Kathryn A. Edwards
Tryntje Hellferich
Nicholas R. Jones
Nicholas Terpstra
Merry Wiesner-Hanks
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