Cover image for Italian Women Writers from the Renaissance to the Present: Revising the Canon Edited by Maria Marotti

Italian Women Writers from the Renaissance to the Present

Revising the Canon

Edited by Maria Marotti


$40.95 | Paperback Edition
ISBN: 978-0-271-02487-5

296 pages
6" × 9"

Italian Women Writers from the Renaissance to the Present

Revising the Canon

Edited by Maria Marotti

“This collection is a good and discriminating introduction to the bibliography on women writers. It is well researched and argued with intelligence. It will be undoubtedly useful in undergraduate and graduate courses to give students a wider view of Italian literature and culture.”


  • Reviews
  • Bio
  • Table of Contents
  • Subjects
“This collection is a good and discriminating introduction to the bibliography on women writers. It is well researched and argued with intelligence. It will be undoubtedly useful in undergraduate and graduate courses to give students a wider view of Italian literature and culture.”

Maria Ornella Marotti is a lecturer in Italian at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is the author of The Duplicating Imagination: Twain and the Twain Papers (Penn State, 1990).



Revising the Canon: Italian Women Writers/Maria O. Marotti

Part I: Canon Formation/Canon Revision

1. Women Writers and the Canon in Contemporary Italy/JoAnn Cannon

2. From One Closet to Another? Feminism, Literary Archaeology, and the Canon/Beverly Allen

3. Italian "Difference Theory": A New Canon?/Renate Holub

Part II: Renaissance Women: Rethinking the Canon

4. Renaissance Women Defending Women: Arguments Against Patriarchy/Constance Jordan

5. Selling the Self, or the Epistolary Production of Renaissance Courtesans/Fiora A. Bassanese

Part III: At the Turn of the Century: Women Writers at the Margins of the Canon

6. Double Marginality: Matilde Serao and the Politics of Ambiguity/Nancy Harrowitz

7. The Diaries of Sibilla Aleramo: Constructing Female Subjectivity/Bernadette Luciano

8. Narrative Voice and the Regional Experience: Redefining Female Images in the Works of Maria Messina/Elise Magistro

Part IV: Contemporary Women Writers: Toward a New Canon

9. Brushing Benjamin Against the Grain: Elsa Morante and the Jetzeit of Marginal History/Maurizia Boscagli

10. From Genealogy to Gynealogy and Beyond: Fausta Cialente's Le Quattro Ragazze Wieselberger/Graziella Parati

11. Ethnic Matriarchy: Fabrizia Ramondino's Neapolitan World/Maria Ornella Marotti

12. Mythic Revisionism: Women Poets and Philosophers in Italy Today/Lucia Re

Part V: Women as Filmmakers: Images of Women/Images by Women/Images for Women

13. Monica Vitti: The Image and the Word/Marga Cottino-Jones

14. Signifying the Holocaust: Liliana Cavani's Portiere di notte/Marguerite Waller

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