Cover image for An Architectural Progress in the Renaissance and Baroque: Sojourns In and Out of Italy Edited by Henry Millon and Susan S. Munshower

An Architectural Progress in the Renaissance and Baroque

Sojourns In and Out of Italy

Edited by Henry Millon, and Susan S. Munshower


$70.00 | Paperback Edition
ISBN: 978-0-915773-07-7

952 pages
8.5" × 11"
9 color/647 b&w illustrations
Distributed by Penn State University Press for Penn State Department of Art History

Papers in Art History

An Architectural Progress in the Renaissance and Baroque

Sojourns In and Out of Italy

Edited by Henry Millon, and Susan S. Munshower


  • Table of Contents
  • Subjects


1. The Barbadori Chapel in Santa Felicita

- Jack Wasserman, Temple University

2. The Bath Palace of Pope Nicholas V at Viterbo

- Charles Mack, University of South Carolina

3. Alexander VI, Pinturicchio, and the Fabrication of the Via Alessandrina in the Vatican Borgo

- Eunice Howe, University of Southern California

4. The Colosseum as a Site for Sacred Theatre: A Pre-History of Catlo Fontana's Project

- Barbara Wisch, The Pennsylvania State University

5. Der römische Palazzo della Sapienza als 'Gymnasion': Antike Quellen eines für Pirro Ligorio zu sichernden Hauptwerks

- Robert Stalla, University of Munich

6. Il Cardinale Grancesco Maria del Monte e la fortuna del progetto buonarrotiano per la Basilica di S. Pietro a Roma: 1604-1613

- Zygmant Wázbwíski, University of Torun, Poland Madernos St. Peter Entwürfe

- Christ of Thoenes, Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome

8. Maderno and Borromini: Plan and Section

- Patricia Waddy, Syracuse University

9. Rubens' Oil Sketches for Architecture

- Linda Bauer, University of California at Irvine

10. The Meaning of the Portico of Palazzo Barberini

- Stephen Tobriner, University of California at Berkeley

11. Plautilla Bricci 'Architettrice' and the Villa Benedetti in Rome

- John Varriano, Mount Holyoke College

12. Bernini's Commission for the Equestrian Statue of Constantine in St. Peter's : A Preliminary Reading

- Tod Marder, Rutgers University

13. Bernini in Paris

- George Bauer, University of California at Irvine

14. Die Kollegiatskirche S. Maria Assunta in valmontone: Ein Hauptwerk Mattia de Rossis (1637-1695)

- Elisabeth Sladek, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschoften, Rome

15. Orazio Spada e la sua Cappella nella Chiesa Nuova

- Antonella Pampalone, Rome, Italy

16. The Baroque Architect's Tomb

- Joseph Connors, Columbia University; The American Academy in Rome

17. Two Contrasting Concepts of Color in the Architecture of the Roman Baroque

- Robert Enggass, Rome, Italy

18. Architects and Clods: The Emergence of Urban Planning in . . . Palace Architecture in 17th Century Rome

- Dorothy Metzger Habel, University of Tennessee

19. The Architectural Legacy of Bernini in Rome

- Allan Braham, National Gallery, London

20. Architecture of Power and Dynastic Edification: Turin's Contrada di Po as Theatre and Stradone

- Martha Pollak, University of Illinois at Chicago

21. Fischer von Etlach, Tiepolo, and the Unity of the Visual Arts

- Irving Lavin, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

22. Nicola Michetti and 18th-Century Architecture in Saint Pertersburg

- John Pinto, Princeton University

23. Filippo Juvarra: New Drawings

- Henry A. Millon, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

24. Vedute: Capriccio e Progettazione in Filippo Juvarra

- Chiara Passanti, Turin, Italy

25. Filippo Juvarra and the Baroque Staircase

- Windsor F. Cousins, State College, Pennsylvania

26. Un inedito disegno d'ambito Berniniano rappresentante il Terzo Braccio in Piazza San Pietro

- Ro sella Carloni, Rome

27. Appunti per la stocia dell'Accademia di San Luca: La collezione dei dipinti nei secoli XVII e XVIII

- Angela Cipriani and Giulia De Marchi Academia à San Luca Rome

28. The Academy of Arts and Sciences: A Paper Building Type of the 18th Century

- Christine Challingsworth, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

29. Pompeo Ferrari: A Disciple of Carlo Fontano in Poland

- Gil R. Smith, Ball State University

30. Balthasar Neumann's Italian Liaison: Second Thoughts

- Christian Otto, Cornell University

31. Paolo Posi, Alesandro Dori and the Palace for the Papal Family on the Quintinal Hill

- Cathie C. Kelly, University of Nevada at Las Vegas

32. Der neapolitanische Architekt Mario Gioffredo, 1718-85, zwischen Spätbarock und Frühklassizismus

- Jörg Garms Österreichisches Historisches Institut, Rome

34. Charles Cameron, Catherine II, and the Church of St Sophia. . . . Observations on a Missing Monument

- Anthony Cutler, The Pennsylvania State University

35. 'Sempre si fantastica per San Pietra' Ein Projekt des jungen Valadier für die Sakristei von St. Peter

- Elisabeth Kieven, Universität Stuttgart

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