Legal Argumentation and Evidence
Douglas Walton
Legal Argumentation and Evidence
Douglas Walton
“In this book Douglas Walton builds on his earlier research and shows how it has application to many of the difficult questions that arise in legal reasoning. He brings a dialectical theory of argumentation as well as a theory of plausible reasoning to bear on the traditional problems of legal evidence. Legal Argumentation and Evidence is an original and important contribution not only to legal reasoning but also to the development of argumentation theory, critical thinking, and reasoning in general. It will be of interest to legal scholars but also to argumentation and reasoning theorists who want to keep abreast of the most recent developments in the field.”
- Description
- Reviews
- Bio
- Table of Contents
- Sample Chapters
- Subjects
“In this book Douglas Walton builds on his earlier research and shows how it has application to many of the difficult questions that arise in legal reasoning. He brings a dialectical theory of argumentation as well as a theory of plausible reasoning to bear on the traditional problems of legal evidence. Legal Argumentation and Evidence is an original and important contribution not only to legal reasoning but also to the development of argumentation theory, critical thinking, and reasoning in general. It will be of interest to legal scholars but also to argumentation and reasoning theorists who want to keep abreast of the most recent developments in the field.”
“Walton makes a significant contribution to the understanding of legal argumentation and to the concept of relevance in evidence law. He goes beyond formal logic and adds an analysis of abduction and plausible inference to fill gaps in what a deductive system can accomplish. The resulting theory provides an important insight into the relationships among the steps of a legal argument. The dialogue structure on which it is based should prove to be of great value in understanding strategy, either for the advocate, the evaluator of evidence, or the student of the legal process.”
“Impressively researched and clearly written, this book is a notable contribution to the study of legal argumentation.”
Douglas Walton is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Winnipeg. He is the author of four other books published by Penn State Press: The Place of Emotion in Argument (1992), Arguments from Ignorance (1995), Appeal to Expert Opinion (1997), and Appeal to Popular Opinion (1998).
Legal Rules and Particular Cases
Interpretation of Statutes and Documents
Stages of a Trial
Civil Law, Criminal Law, and Burden of Proof
Relevance and Admissibility
Testimony of Witnesses
Expert Testimony
Dependence on Precedents
Argument from Analogy
Argument from an Established Rule
Argument from Sign and Abductive Argument
Argument from Position to Know
Argument from Verbal Classification
Argument from Commitment
Practical Reasoning
Argument from Personal Attack (Ad Hominem Argument)
The Slippery Slope Argument
Other Important Forms of Argument
The McCormick Criterion
The Jewish Classical Law Criterion
Bentham on Circumstantial Evidence
Patterson’s Criterion
Wigmore on Direct Evidence and Autoptic Proference
Wigmore on Circumstantial and Testimonial Evidence
The Hope Head Case
The Five Criteria Summarized
How Useful is the Concept of Circumstantial Evidence?
Logical Difficulties of Circumstantial Evidence
A Third Type of Reasoning
Plausibility and Probability
Wigmore on Logical Inference and Probative Value
Locke on Plausibility and Degrees of Assent
Bentham on Plausibility and Evidence
Plausibility and Casuistry
Plausible Reasoning in the Ancient World
Carneades’ Theory of Plausibility
Criteria and Applications of Carneades’ Theory
Why the Neglect of Plausible Reasoning?
Implicature and Conversational Postulates
Rational Persuasion in the Trial
Normative Models of Argumentation
Persuasion Dialogue
Other Types of Dialogue
Peirastic Dialogue and Extastic Dialogue
Relevance and Dialectical Shifts
The Fair Trial and the Witch-Hunt
A Dialectical Theory of Statutory Interpretation
Argumentation Schemes, Fallacies, and Legal Logic
Components of the New Theory
Evidence and Argument
The Probative Function
Ancient Roots of the New Theory
Advantages of The Plausibilistic Theory
Scientific Evidence
Logical and Legal Relevance
Legal Evidence, Credibility, and Plausibility
Expert Testimony as Evidence
Problems and Conclusions
Persuasion Dialogue
Chaining of Arguments
Rules of Dialogue and Fallacies
The Fallacy of Irrelevant Conclusion
The Method of Argument Extrapolation
Testing an Actual Example
How the Method Should be Applied
Questions Raised
Application to Legal Cases
Arguments and Explanations
Formal Dialogue Systems in Logic
The Ad Hominem and Ad Verecundiam Fallacies
Labeled Deductive Systems
Multi-Agent Systems
Adding Agents to Formal Dialectical Structures
Evaluating Fallacies and Blunders
How Should ‘Agent’ be Defined in Formal Dialectic?
Dialectical Shifts and Relevance
The Solution to the Problem
The New Method
Inference Forms and Critical Questions
Arguments Depending on Testimony and Credibility
Verbal Arguments and Critical Questions
The Trial as Persuasion Dialogue
Argument Diagramming
The Formal Structure of Diagramming
Formalizing the New System
The Subtleties of Peirastic Dialogue
The Current Problems with Relevance
The purpose of Legal Argumentation and Evidence is to provide a new method
for analyzing the structure of legal reasoning used in arguing a case and evaluating
legal argumentation in general. This book is intended to be of interest to
those who work in the legal profession, as well as to those who teach law, but
it is not a legal treatise. It takes a fresh look at the structure of legal reasoning
by exploring current developments in argumentation theory. This new viewpoint
is different from the traditional approaches of deductive and inductive
logic because it examines legal argumentation contextually. The relevance of
an argument, for example, is seen as depending on a conversational framework
in which an issue or conoict of opinions is to be resolved. A character-attack
argument, called an ad hominem argument in traditional logic, can be judged to
be irrelevant in the main argumentation stage of a criminal trial but relevant at
its sentencing stage.
In the new model of argumentation presented here, the form of the argument
(that is, its so-called argumentation scheme) is merely one factor in judging
its worth. How the argument is used in a specioc context of conversation
is also crucially important. This view of argumentation as dialectical (or dialogical)
is gradually becoming more widely accepted in current research in law
and artiocial intelligence. What is provided here are new foundations for this
growing and important research initiative and, at the same time, new and promising
ways of looking at legal argumentation and evidence that are of wider
This book sets out an abstract normative model of the fair trial as a goaldirected
structure that provides a forum for dispute resolution that, in turn,
does justice through the provision of due process. According to the model,
the trial contains an adversarial dispute. The purpose of the litigants and their
attorneys, as their agents, is to win the dispute. But the rules of evidence and
other procedural rules contain this struggle, so that relevant arguments on both
sides can be tested out. The trier (judge or jury) can use critical thinking to
evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments used on both sides.
The kind of fact-onding reasoning used in legal argumentation depends for its
evaluation on its use within the goal-directed conversational setting of the trial
as a normative structure. This model of the argument as a conversational exchange,
known as ‘‘dialectical argumentation,’’ can also be used to throw new
light on the kind of reasoning used in statutory interpretation that is important
in determining what law is. ‘‘Dialectical’’ is not meant here in the Hegelian or
Marxist sense but is used to evoke the dialectical method of question and answer
prized by the Greek philosophers, indicating a view of rational argumentation
as a conversational exchange.
The central purpose of the book is to provide a new dialectical foundation
or logical underpinning for evidence law. Especially with the recent televising
of several prominent trials, many people are expressing serious doubts about
whether the legal system and legal decisions are based on any kind of standards
of rational thinking. One fundamental concern is that evidence law in particular,
which is supposed to be the central pillar of good reasoning and fair procedure
in the law, is ‘‘adrift.’’ The underlying basis of such concerns is addressed
here in a new theory of evidence, a dialectical one that exhibits a kind of roleplaying
argumentation structure and bases the outcome of the argument on
conclusions drawn from what is reasonably taken to be evidence presented in
the case.
The dialectical theory offers an evaluation of legal arguments on a caseby-
case basis, relative to the given information at any particular stage in the
development of the case. This new theory is radical in at least two important
ways. First, it can be brought to bear on legal arguments that, in the past, have
been held to be fallacious by logicians, as well as show how, in the legal context
of use, such arguments are not fallacious but reasonable. Second, dialectical
theory explains the reasonableness of legal arguments in terms of their plausibility,
or what used to be called ‘‘probability’’ in an ancient Greek sense. I feel
it is beneocial to re-examine this notion of plausibility.
Legal Argumentation and Evidence seeks to vindicate John H. Wigmore’s theory
that there is a science of reasoning underlying the law of evidence, upon
which the evidence law needs to be based (Wigmore 1913). It does this not only
by providing a new logical framework in which Wigmore’s central concepts of
evidence can be expressed. It also traces the origins of these concepts back
through Locke and Bentham. Central to the new theory are Bentham’s ideas
of probative weight and the chaining together of inferences into sequences of
argumentation. Also central is Locke’s idea of degrees of assent.
Wigmore’s long-neglected method of diagramming the body of evidence in
a case is now shown to be the central method for legal argument evaluation in
the new dialectical system. Wigmore had contended that the logical structures
of reasoning underlying the law of evidence could be traced back to the ancient
logic of the Greek philosophers. In Chapter 4 it is shown how the notion of
plausible reasoning, known since the time of the Greek skeptical philosophers
but neglected for many centuries, is the key form of reasoning that underlies
evidence law and legal argumentation. The ancient theory of plausible reasoning
advocated cautious acceptance of an inference drawn plausibly from what
seems to be true, subject to reservations.
According to this view of plausible reasoning, we can provisionally accept
conclusions that seem to be true, even though we may be deceived occasionally.
It is a view that is fallible, however: we need to be open-minded enough to give
up the conclusion if new information comes in that indicates it is not true. For
example, if a murder victim did not cry out for help before she was struck, the
conclusion might be drawn by plausible reasoning that her assailant was not a
stranger. This kind of reasoning is based on assumptions about what we can
infer, given the way things can normally be expected to go in a kind of situation
familiar to all of us as reasonable persons.
Plausible reasoning was widely familiar to the Greek and Roman philosophers
and jurists but had pretty well disappeared from logic after the fall of
the ancient world. Only recently has plausible inference come back into some
prominence, through the reappearance of what is often called abductive reasoning
in artiocial intelligence (AI) studies in computer science. Plausible reasoning
is now widely used in AI, for example, in expert systems used for medical
diagnosis. The expert system makes a guess by abduction, or inference to the
best explanation, at a plausible diagnosis. But the hypothesis, or provisional
guess, can be changed if new information comes in that indicates a different
hypothesis is a better explanation of the facts known about the patient’s symptoms.
Many important instances of legal reasoning are based on plausible inferences
like those used in medical diagnosis.
Chapter 2 contains a list and description of the most common and important
forms of plausible inference used in legal argumentation. In the past, most
books on legal logic—with the notable exception of a few works like those of
Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (1969) and Alexy (1989)1—have concentrated
almost exclusively on deductive or inductive logic in modeling legal argumentation.
Deductive and inductive forms of inference were seen as central models
of reasoning—or the only signiocant ones—by opinion leaders, evaluated from
a semantic standpoint that abstracts an argument from its context of use in a
particular case. The whole area of evidence law has been pretty well ignored,
1. New research initiatives in artiocial intelligence and law (Ashley 1990; Hage, Leenes, and
Lodder 1994; Gordon 1995; Verheij 1996; Prakken 1997; Vreeswijk 1997; Lodder 1999) are also
exceptions to this rule. Another exception is the work of Feteris (1999) on legal argumentation.
therefore, by logicians—perhaps because, in the past, it seemed an impossible
goal to model factors such as relevance of arguments. Even among those working
in the more recently explored area of informal logic, the question ‘‘What is
evidence?’’ has barely been asked.
I take a fresh approach to legal argumentation by treating evidence and relevance
as central to the whole understanding of constructing a framework for
the evaluation of legal arguments. The approach is dialectical in the ancient
Greek sense, meaning that an argument is evaluated with respect to how it was
supposedly used for a given purpose in a context of dialogue.2 Although forms
of inference are seen as vitally important, how chains of inferences are used by
a proponent and a respondent to persuade each other, or for various other
communicative purposes, are presented as the basis for the evaluation of arguments.
The central dialectical notion is that of commitment (rational acceptance
in dialogue). Commitment is dialogical, and can be retracted, but has
rational bite. If the respondent accepts the premises of the argument, and the
form of the argument meets the appropriate structural requirements, then the
respondent must accept the conclusion unless he can raise doubts about it by
asking appropriate critical questions. A participant’s commitment to a statement
is determined mostly by what he goes on record as saying in a dialogue
but also partly by the goals and rules of the dialogue.
The focus of this book is on certain types of plausible argument that have,
until recently, been generally considered fallacious in logic. Recent research is
tending to show, more and more, that these types of argument are not always
fallacious but that, in many instances, they are presumptively reasonable for
shifting a burden of proof in a case. They tend to be arguments that, even when
they are plausible, only shift a small weight of evidence from the premises to
the conclusion of the argument. Even so, such arguments can be extremely
important when lots of them are put together in a case.
For example, in a trial, one small argument may not prove much by itself.
But a whole lot of these small arguments can yield a body of evidence that
swings the burden of proof to one side or the other on a disputed issue. Using
new ondings and methods of informal logic and argumentation theory, I show
how to identify, analyze, and evaluate these kinds of plausible arguments that
are so common, both in legal argumentation and in everyday experiences of
conversational disputation. These types of arguments include familiar kinds of
everyday arguments such as argument from position to know, argument from
2. A dialogue is deoned as goal-directed type of conversational exchange in which two parties
reason together, taking turns to ask questions, give replies, and put forward arguments to each
ignorance, argument from precedent, argument from a rule to a particular case,
appeal to expert opinion, appeal to pity, appeal to threat, argument against the
person, causal argument, argument based on a verbal classiocation, argument
from analogy, argument based on a deonition, and the slippery slope argument.
This fresh approach reveals not only that such arguments are very often reasonable
when used in a legal framework but are also most important and central
among the kinds of arguments used in legal argumentation. Legal Argumentation
and Evidence presents a new dialectical method of evaluating such arguments
as they are used in legal contexts, offering a method of determining in
each individual case of its use, whether the argument should be judged to be
reasonable or fallacious. If the argument is weak but not so bad that it is fallacious,
however, the new method tells you which critical questions should be
asked in order to pinpoint specioc weaknesses.
This book should be of interest to anyone who is attempting to make sense
of legal argumentation as a cooperative effort of several parties to reason with
each other as speech partners. Not only lawyers but professionals and students
in communication studies, linguistics (pragmatics), artiocial intelligence, logic,
critical thinking, and philosophy will be interested readers. Among specialized
groups, the analysis will appeal to those working in the law of evidence, and in
the oeld of artiocial intelligence and law. But the general reader with no specialized
training can easily read the book. Pre-law students, or anyone with an
interest in legal argumentation, will ond it helpful as an introduction to the
basic principle of legal reasoning and forms of argument. The presentation of
material clearly explains all legal and logical jargon that is used, and is written
in such a way that it can be read and understood by someone who does not
have legal or logical training or expertise, but who wants to learn something
about how argumentation works in the legal context. The orst chapter describes,
for such a reader, the special features of argumentation in a legal system.
The treatment is mainly set in the context of the Anglo-American
common law system, but from time to time, comments are made about other
systems. The book is meant to introduce people with a legal background to the
latest developments in argumentation theory, and show them how this new
oeld can be applied to many aspects of legal argumentation. But it is also useful
to introduce anyone interested in argumentation and critical thinking to basic
argumentation techniques used in many typical kinds of legal arguments often
used as examples in informal logic textbooks.
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