Cover image for Uncanny Congruencies: Penn State School of Visual Arts Alumni Edited by Micaela Amateau Amato

Uncanny Congruencies

Penn State School of Visual Arts Alumni

Edited by Micaela Amateau Amato


$25 | Paperback Edition
ISBN: 978-0-615-51222-8

64 pages
10" × 9"
45 color/10 b&w illustrations
Distributed by Penn State University Press for College of Fine Arts, Penn State University

Uncanny Congruencies

Penn State School of Visual Arts Alumni

Edited by Micaela Amateau Amato

The power of art has always been found in those uncanny spaces between formal abstraction and the narratives of representation. Inseparable parts of a more complex whole, they are the collaborative symbiotic conditions that have created the most compelling works of art since antiquity. Uncanny Congruencies investigates these elliptical collisions of association and meaning and offers a nuanced dialogue with its audiences through the seemingly contradictory processes of eighteen remarkable alumni of Penn State’s School of Visual Arts. The works of these artists intersect, reverse, and overlap one another in surprising and ultimately satisfying ways.


  • Description
  • Bio
  • Subjects
The power of art has always been found in those uncanny spaces between formal abstraction and the narratives of representation. Inseparable parts of a more complex whole, they are the collaborative symbiotic conditions that have created the most compelling works of art since antiquity. Uncanny Congruencies investigates these elliptical collisions of association and meaning and offers a nuanced dialogue with its audiences through the seemingly contradictory processes of eighteen remarkable alumni of Penn State’s School of Visual Arts. The works of these artists intersect, reverse, and overlap one another in surprising and ultimately satisfying ways.

Participating artists include Brian Alfred, Cara Judea Alhadeff, Christa Assad, Kenn Bass, Judith Bernstein, Gerald Davis, Robert Ecker, Susan Frecon, Krista Hoefle, Marina Kuchinski, Helen Marden, Beverly McIver, Malcolm Mobutu Smith, Tim Roda, Allen Topolski, Jason Walker, Henry Wessel, and David Young. Authors include Stephen Carpenter, Charles Garoian, Donald Kuspit, Cristin Millet, Simone Osthoff, Sarah Rich, Joyce Robinson, Graeme Sullivan, and Micaela Amateau Amato.

Micaela Amateau Amato is Professor of Art and Women’s Studies at The Pennsylvania State University.

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