The Edgar Allan Poe Review
Travis Montgomery, Editor
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The Edgar Allan Poe Review publishes peer-reviewed scholarly essays; book, film, theater, dance, and music reviews; and creative work related to Edgar Allan Poe, his work, and his influence. Also included are the following regular features: “Marginalia” (short, non–peer reviewed notes), interviews with Poe scholars, the Poe in Cyberspace column, and Poe Studies Association updates. EAPR is the official publication of the Poe Studies Association.
Established in 1972 as a nonprofit, educational organization, the Poe Studies Association (PSA) supports the scholarly and informal exchange of information on the life, works, times, and influence of Edgar Allan Poe.
Travis Montgomery, Oklahoma Christian University
Book Review Editor
John Martin, University of North Texas, US
Editorial Board
David C. Cody, Hartwick College, US
Sara Crosby, Ohio State University
Alexander Hammond, Washington State University, US
José R. Ibáñez, Universidad de Almeria, ES
Sonya Isaak, Heidelberg University, DE
Paul Jones, Ohio University, US
J. Gerald Kennedy, Louisiana State University, US
Richard Kopley, The Pennsylvania State University, US
Kent Ljungquist, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, US
Dana Medoro, University of Manitoba, CA
Jonathan Murphy, Texas A&M International University, US
Scott Peeples, College of Charleston, US
Renata Philippov, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, BR
Stephen Rachman, Michigan State University, US
Jeffery Savoye, The Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore, US
Elizabeth Sweeney, College of the Holy Cross, US
Takayuki Tatsumi, Keio Academy of New York, US
Brett Zimmerman, York University, CA
If you would like to submit an article to The Edgar Allan Poe Review please visit and create an author profile. The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your article for submission to the editorial office. View the Submission Guidelines before uploading your manuscript.
Please direct all inquiries about book reviews and books for submission to .
Institutional Print & Online - $378.00
Institutional Print or Online - $271.00
Institutional Single Issue - $146.00
Individual Print & Online - $82.00
Individual Print or Online - $60.00
Individual Single Issue - $36.00
Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00
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