Hungarian Studies Review
Maya Jean Lo Bello, Managing Editor
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Hungarian Studies Review is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary academic journal dedicated to publishing humanities and social scientific scholarship on contemporary and historical issues related to Hungary and the surrounding region, and to the Hungarian diaspora. Founded in 1974 under the title The Canadian-American Review of Hungarian Studies, and published since 1981 under its current title, Hungarian Studies Review is sponsored by the Hungarian Studies Association of Canada and the Hungarian Studies Association based in the United States. It has also been supported in the past by the National Széchényi Library in Hungary.
Since the journal’s founding, Hungary has changed dramatically, and so have the lives of Hungarians within and outside of Hungary, including in North America. But the mission of Hungarian Studies Review remains the same: to raise interest in, make public, and support in a variety of ways the long tradition of Hungarian Studies in English-speaking higher education.
Hungarian Studies Review has an important role to play as an independent scholarly publication, and its editors are especially committed to providing scholars based in Hungary and the surrounding region with a high-quality English-language outlet for the publication of their research.
Hungarian Studies Review is a joint publication of The Hungarian Studies Association of Canada and the Hungarian Studies Association.
Established in 1985, the Hungarian Studies Association of Canada is a multidisciplinary scholarly organization devoted to the study of Hungary, Hungarian society, culture, and history.
The Hungarian Studies Association was formed in 1970 as The American Association for the Study of Hungarian History. It adopted its current name in 2004. The association represents scholars from the United States, Hungary, Australia, Canada, Israel, Italy, Japan, Germany, Norway, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
Managing Editor
Maya Jean Lo Bello, Eötvös Loránd University, HU
Special Advisory Editor
Richard Esbenshade, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, US
Associate Editors
Katalin Cseh-Varga, nstitut für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, AT
Árpád von Klimó, Catholic University of America, US
Borbála Zsuzsanna Möller Török, University of Vienna, AT
Jessica R. Storey-Nagy, Indiana University, US
Book Review Editor
Szabolcs László, Institute of History, HU
Editorial Board
Oliver A. I. Botar, University of Manitoba, CA
Holy Case, Brown University, US
Katalin Fabian, Lafayette College, US
Géza Jeszenszky, Emeritus, Corvinus University, HU
Steven Jobbitt, Lakehead University, CA
Virginia Lewis, Northern State University, US
Viktor Pál, University of Ostrava, CZ
Daniel Pratt, McGill University, CA
Thomas Sakmyster, Emeritus, University of Cincinnati, US
Agatha Schwartz, University of Ottawa, CA
John Swanson, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, US
Judith Szapor, McGill University, CA
Susan Zimmermann, Central European University, AU
To submit a manuscript to Hungarian Studies Review, please visit The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your article to the editorial office.
Articles should be written in English and are normally restricted to 5,000 to 7,000 words (including endnotes). Book reviews should be 1,000 to 1,500 words in length.
Authors should consult the Hungarian Studies Review style guide prior to submitting a manuscript for consideration.
Hungarian Studies Review focuses on social, political, cultural, and historical topics related to Hungary, Austria-Hungary, and the region formerly encompassed by the Habsburg Empire, as well as the global Hungarian diaspora. Our chronological focus is primarily the eighteenth century to the present, and we welcome studies that are transnational or comparative in their approach. Disciplinary areas covered include, but are not limited to: history, political science, sociology and anthropology, arts and culture, gender and sexuality studies, minority and nationalism studies, environmental studies, and historical geography.
For questions regarding submissions, please contact the Managing Editor, Leslie Waters: .
Institutional Print & Online - $267.00
Institutional Print or Online - $190.00
Institutional Single Issue - $103.00
Individual Print & Online - $74.00
Individual Print or Online - $52.00
Individual Single Issue - $33.00
Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00
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