Studies in American Jewish Literature
Benjamin Schreier, Editor
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Studies in American Jewish Literature is dedicated to publishing work analyzing the place, representation, and circulation of Jews and Jewishness in American literatures, and to serving as a venue for theorizing, as broadly and intensely as possible, the ways in which it makes sense to talk about identity in literature. We understand this commitment to aesthetic inquiry as uncontained by any particular methodological, ideological, categorical, or national project, and we remain open to new work that seeks to interrogate the relationships between writing, reading, genres, histories, technologies, and thinking. We hope to publish special issues at least semi-regularly.
Benjamin Schreier, The Pennsylvania State University, US
Managing Editor
Rihanna Henson
Book Review Editor
Jennifer Glaser, University of Cincinnati, US
Editorial Board
Victoria Aarons, Trinity University, US
Dean Franco, Wake Forest University, US
Leah Garrett, Hunter College, City University of New York, US
Kathryn Hellerstein, University of Pennsylvania, US
Daniel Itzkovitz, Stonehill College, US
Dalia Kandiyoti, College of Staten Island, CUNY, US
Josh Lambert, Wellesley College, CA
Jessica Lang, Baruch College, CUNY, US
Andrea Most, University of Toronto, CA
Laurence Roth, Susquehanna University, US
Michael Rothberg, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Maeera Shreiber, University of Utah, US
Senior Advisory Board
Alan Berger, Florida Atlantic University, US
Jonathan Freedman, University of Michigan, US
Michael Kramer, Bar-Ilan University, IL
Adam Zachary Newton, Emory University, US
Werner Sollors, Harvard University, US
Hana Wirth-Nesher, Tel-Aviv University, IL
Founding Editor
Daniel Walden, The Pennsylvania State University, US
Studies in American Jewish Literature welcomes essays concerned with the idea, development, institutionalization, and/or meaning of Jewish American literatures or, more generally, of the literary-cultural confrontation of "Jewish" and "American." We are interested in questions about the aesthetic and theoretical valences of identity; about the social, economic, cultural, and political history of literature; about professionalization, canon formation, genres, and periodicity; about gender and sexuality; about comparative and interdisciplinary approaches to ethnicity and identity; about reading, reception, pedagogy, and the institutions of interpretation; and about the politics of criticism. In other words, try us. We’re interested more in providing intelligent analysis its due than in imposing formal requirements; contributions may exceed standard length.
Studies in American Jewish Literaturehas a double-blind submissions policy; authors should not identify themselves in their manuscripts. To submit a manuscript to the editorial office, please prepare it in accordance with the journal’s submission guidelines and visit the journal’s submission website at to create an author profile. The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your manuscript.
For specific instructions on style or other editorial matters feel free to contact the journal at the .
Institutional Print & Online - $335.00
Institutional Print or Online - $229.00
Institutional Single Issue - $122.00
Individual Print & Online - $85.00
Individual Print or Online - $61.00
Individual Single Issue - $37.00
Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $13.00
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