How Fra Angelico and Signorelli Saw the End of the World
Creighton E. Gilbert
“This fascinating study examines the frescoes of the Cappella Nuova of the Cathedral of Orvieto—frescoes begun by Fra Angelico but largely executed some 50 years later by Signorelli. . . . Engagingly and clearly written, the book is appropriate for undergraduates, but offers a wealth of material to scholars.”
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How Fra Angelico and Signorelli Saw the End of the World examines every element in the Cappella Nuova’s architecture and complex decoration, which not only represents the coming of the Antichrist, the end of the world, and the Last Judgment but also, on a high dado, features portraits of Dante and other poets, scenes from their texts, and sinuous grotesque ornament. Although Dante’s likeness has long been recognized, Gilbert is the first scholar to establish that his great epic, The Divine Comedy, exerted a profound influence on the Chapel’s iconographic program.
“This fascinating study examines the frescoes of the Cappella Nuova of the Cathedral of Orvieto—frescoes begun by Fra Angelico but largely executed some 50 years later by Signorelli. . . . Engagingly and clearly written, the book is appropriate for undergraduates, but offers a wealth of material to scholars.”
Creighton Gilbert is Professor Emeritus of the History of Art, Yale University. He has served as Editor-in-Chief of the Art Bulletin and has published numerous books, including Caravaggio and His Two Cardinals (Penn State, 1995) and Michelangelo On and Off the Sistine Chapel (1994).
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