History-Early Modern
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John Markoff - Alchemical Belief
Bruce Janacek - All Men and Both Sexes
Hilda L. Smith - The Americas in Italian Literature and Culture, 1700–1825
Stefania Buccini - Animating Empire
Jessica Keating - The Arras Witch Treatises
Edited and translated by Andrew Colin Gow, Robert B. Desjardins, and François V. Pageau - Art, Liturgy, and Legend in Renaissance Toledo
Lynette M. F. Bosch - An Artful Relic
Andrew R. Casper - Balancing the Scales of Justice
Anthony Crubaugh - Baroque Seville
Amanda Wunder - Battling Demons
Michael D. Bailey - Becoming a Revolutionary
Timothy Tackett - Beware the Poetry
Javier Castro-Ibaseta - The Bonds of Humanity
Cary J. Nederman - Broken Lights and Mended Lives
William Caferro - Catherine of Aragon
Theresa Earenfight - Censorship and Conflict in Seventeenth-Century England
Randy Robertson - Cervantine Blackness
Nicholas R. Jones - The Chankas and the Priest
Sabine Hyland - The Child Witches of Olague
Lu Ann Homza - Chronicling History
Edited by Sharon Dale, Alison Williams Lewin, and Duane J. Osheim - Civil Religion in Modern Political Philosophy
Edited by Steven Frankel and Martin D. Yaffe - Colloquium of the Seven About Secrets of the Sublime
Jean Bodin, Translated with an Introduction, Annotations, and Critical Readings by Marion Leathers Kuntz - The Conquest on Trial
Carlos A. Jáuregui - Contesting Conquest
Ida Altman - Creating the Constitution
Thornton Anderson - The Creation of the French Royal Mistress
Tracy Adams and Christine Adams - David Hume
Edited by Mark G. Spencer - The Defeat of a Renaissance Intellectual
Francesco Guicciardini, and Carlo Celli - Defending the Conquest
Edited by Kris Lane, and translated by d F. Johnson - Disenchanting Albert the Great
David J. Collins, S. J. - Disharmony of the Spheres
Jennifer Nelson - Doctrine and Disease in the British and Spanish Colonial World
Kathleen Miller - Dynamic Matter
Edited by Jennifer Linhart Wood - Everyday Life in the German Book Trade
Pamela E. Selwyn - Everyday Magicians
Sharon Hubbs Wright and Frank Klaassen - The Fight for Status and Privilege in Late Medieval and Early Modern Castile, 1465–1598
Michael J. Crawford - The First Viral Images
Stephanie Porras - The Flour War
Cynthia Bouton - Forgotten Franciscans
Martin Austin Nesvig - Forming Sleep
Edited by Nancy L. Simpson-Younger and Margaret Simon - The Francis Daniel Pastorius Reader
Patrick Erben, Alfred Brophy, and Margo Lambert - The French Nobility in the Eighteenth Century
Edited by Jay M. Smith - From Giotto to Botticelli
Julia I. Miller and Laurie Taylor-Mitchell - From Subjects to Citizens
Sarah C. Chambers - Gods of the Andes
Sabine Hyland - Green Worlds of Renaissance Venice
Jodi Cranston - Habsburg Madrid
Jesús Escobar - The History of the New World
Girolamo Benzoni, translated by Jana Byars, and edited by Robert C. Schwaller and Jana Byars - How Books Came to America
John Hruschka - How Fra Angelico and Signorelli Saw the End of the World
Creighton E. Gilbert - Idea of the Temple of Painting
Giovan Paolo Lomazzo, Edited and translated by Jean Julia Chai - Ideologies of History in the Spanish Golden Age
Anthony J. Cascardi - Images on a Mission in Early Modern Kongo and Angola
Cécile Fromont - Imagining the Americas in Medici Florence
Lia Markey - Imperial Lyric
Leah Middlebrook - The Improbable Conquest
Edited by Pablo García Loaeza and Victoria L. Garrett - In Search of Peace and Prosperity
Edited by Hartmut Lehmann, Hermann Wellenreuther, and Renate Wilson - Indigenous Life After the Conquest
Caterina Pizzigoni and Camilla Townsend - Into Print
Edited by Charles Walton - Invading Colombia
J. Michael Francis - Invading Guatemala
Matthew Restall and Florine Asselbergs - The Invention of the Renaissance Woman
Pamela J. Benson - Invoking Angels
Edited by Claire Fanger - An Irish Rebel in New Spain
Andrea Martínez Baracs and Translated By Hank Heifetz - The Jacobin Republic Under Fire
Paul R. Hanson - Journal of William Penn
William Penn - Journey through Landscape in Seventeenth-Century Holland
Catherine Levesque - Lesser Living Creatures of the Renaissance
Edited by Keith Botelho and Joseph Campana - Lesser Living Creatures of the Renaissance
Edited by Keith Botelho and Joseph Campana - Lessons from America
Doina Pasca Harsanyi - Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Jack R. Mason and Lynn Hunt - Licensing Loyalty
Jane McLeod - “Licentious Liberty” in a Brazilian Gold-Mining Region
Kathleen J. Higgins - Lies of the Land
Camille Serchuk - The Life of Michelangelo
Edited by Hellmut Wohl, and Translated by Alice Sedgwick Wohl - Lorenzo de’ Medici at Home
Edited and translated by Richard Stapleford - Lost Worlds
Jonathan Dewald - Magic in the Cloister
Sophie Page - The Magic of Rogues
Frank Klaassen and Sharon Hubbs Wright - Making Magic in Elizabethan England
Edited by Frank Klaassen - Masquerade and Gender
Catherine A. Craft-Fairchild - Measuring Shadows
Raz Chen-Morris - Medicine, Religion, and Magic in Early Stuart England
Ofer Hadass - Michelangelo's Nose
Paul Barolsky - The Moving Statues of Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam
Angela Vanhaelen - Murder and Madness on Trial
Mònica Calabritto - The Narrative Shape of Truth
Ilya Kliger - The Native Conquistador
Edited and translated by Amber Brian, Bradley Benton, and Pablo García Loaeza - A New Antiquity
Alessandra Russo - The Night the Old Regime Ended
Michael P. Fitzsimmons - The Noisy Renaissance
Niall Atkinson - Odious Praise
Eric MacPhail - Origins of the Witches’ Sabbath
Michael D. Bailey - Painting as Medicine in Early Modern Rome
Frances Gage - Panorama of Paris
Edited by Jeremy D. Popkin - Paris in the Age of Absolutism: Revised and Expanded Edition
Orest Ranum - Philip II of Spain and the Architecture of Empire
Laura Fernández-González - Picturing Experience in the Early Printed Book
Elizabeth Ross - Pieter Bruegel’s Historical Imagination
Stephanie Porras - The Play World
Patricia Anne Simpson - The Possessions of a Cardinal
Edited by Mary Hollingsworth, and Carol M. Richardson - The Power and the Glorification
Jan L. de Jong - The Powers of Sound and Song in Early Modern Paris
Nicholas Hammond - The Practice of Patriarchy
Julie Hardwick - The Problems and Promise of Commercial Society
Dennis C. Rasmussen - The Profane, the Civil, and the Godly
Richard P. Gildrie - The Quakers, 1656–1723
By Richard C. Allen and Rosemary Moore - Queen, Mother, and Stateswoman
Silvia Z. Mitchell - Radical Whigs and Conspiratorial Politics in Late Stuart England
Melinda S. Zook - Radicals in Exile
Freddy Cristóbal Domínguez - Raphael’s Ostrich
Una Roman D’Elia - Receptive Human Virtues
Elizabeth Agnew Cochran - Religion Around John Donne
Joshua Eckhardt - Religion Around Shakespeare
Peter Iver Kaufman - Religion on the Margins
Benjamin M. Pietrenka - Rereading the Conquest
James Krippner-Martínez - Rhetorical Style and Bourgeois Virtue
Mark Garrett Longaker - Ritual Magic
Elizabeth M. Butler - The Rohonc Code
Benedek Láng, Translated by Benedek Láng, Teodóra Király, and Nick Palmer - Russia’s First Civil War
Chester S. L. Dunning - The Sacrament of Penance and Religious Life in Golden Age Spain
Patrick J. O'Banion - Sacred Habitat
Ran Segev - Saint and Nation
Erin Kathleen Rowe - The Sculpted Ear
Ryan McCormack - Seeking Nature's Logic
David B. Wilson - A Short History of Russia's First Civil War
Chester S. L. Dunning - Skepticism’s Pictures
Melissa Lo - Sorcery or Science?
Ariela Marcus-Sells - Speculum Lapidum
Camillo Leonardi, and Translated with an introduction by Liliana Leopardi - The Spinelli of Florence
Philip Jacks, and William Caferro - Spiritual and Demonic Magic
D.P. Walker - Status, Power, and Identity in Early Modern France
Jonathan Dewald - Stigma
Edited by Katherine Dauge-Roth and Craig Koslofsky - The Stolen Bones of St. John of Matha
A. Katie Harris - Strange Revelations
Lynn Wood Mollenauer - A Taste for Comfort and Status
Christine Adams - The Theology of the Czech Brethren from Hus to Comenius
Craig D. Atwood - To Heaven or to Hell
David Thomas Orique, O.P. - To the Shores of Chile
Mark Meuwese - Trade in Strangers
Marianne S. Wokeck - Transcending Textuality
Ariadna García-Bryce - The Transformations of Magic
Frank Klaassen - Traumatic Politics
Barry M. Shapiro - Union County, Pennsylvania
Charles McCool Snyder, John W. Downie, and Lois Kalp - Urban Legends
Carrie E. Beneš - Village Infernos and Witches’ Advocates
Lu Ann Homza - Violence and the Genesis of the Anatomical Image
Rose Marie San Juan - Violent First Contact in Venezuela
Peter Hess - Vision and Its Instruments
Edited by Alina Payne - Visions and Revisions of Eighteenth-Century France
Edited by Christine Adams, Jack R. Mason, and Lisa Jane Graham - “When All of Rome Was Under Construction”
Dorothy Metzger Habel - Women at Work in Preindustrial France
Daryl M. Hafter - The Word in the Wilderness
Alexander Lawrence Ames - The World of the Early Sienese Painter
Hayden B. J. Maginnis
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