Marking Skin in the Early Modern World
Edited by Katherine Dauge-Roth and Craig Koslofsky
Marking Skin in the Early Modern World
Edited by Katherine Dauge-Roth and Craig Koslofsky
“The authors in this volume focus critically on postmodern analyses of race, class, and gender for early modern studies and the history of the body. As a result, Stigma highlights a fresh history of skin that does not center solely on racial identity of the time but instead illuminates the changing, rather than fixed, understandings of skin during the early modern era.”
- Description
- Reviews
- Bio
- Table of Contents
- Sample Chapters
- Subjects
“The authors in this volume focus critically on postmodern analyses of race, class, and gender for early modern studies and the history of the body. As a result, Stigma highlights a fresh history of skin that does not center solely on racial identity of the time but instead illuminates the changing, rather than fixed, understandings of skin during the early modern era.”
“Stigma offers stimulating reading in the expanding field of skin studies and is a beautifully produced point of reference for accomplished interdisciplinary early modern studies.”
Katherine Dauge-Roth is Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures at Bowdoin College. She is the author of Signing the Body: Marks on Skin in Early Modern France.
Craig Koslofsky is Professor of History and Germanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He is the author of Evening’s Empire: A History of the Night in Early Modern Europe and The Reformation of the Dead: Death and Ritual in Early Modern Germany, 1450–1700, and the coeditor of A German Barber-Surgeon in the Atlantic Slave Trade: The Seventeenth-Century Journal of Johann Peter Oettinger.
List of Illustrations
Marking Skin: A Cutaneous Collection
Katherine Dauge-Roth and Craig Koslofsky
Part I: Marked Encounters in America, Asia, and Africa
1. “Pownced, Pricked, or Paynted”: English Ideas of Tattooing as Indigenous Literacy
Mairin Odle
2. Indigenous Taiwanese Skin Marking in Early Modern European and Chinese Eyes
Xiao Chen
3. Following the Trail of the Slave Trade: Branding, Skin, and Commodification
Katrina H. B. Keefer and Matthew S. Hopper
Part II: Marks of Faith
4. Jerusalem Under the Skin: The History of Jerusalem Pilgrimage Tattoos
Mordechay Lewy
5. Stigmata and the Mind-Body Connection
Allison Stedman
6. The Invisible Mark: Representing Baptism in Early Modern French Dramaturgy
Ana Fonseca Conboy
7. Rabies and Relics: Cutaneous Marks and Popular Healing in Early Modern Europe
Katherine Dauge-Roth
Part III: Standing Out: Marks of Honor, Shame, and Beauty
8. Skin Narratives: Speaking About Wounds and Scars in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus
Nicole Nyffenegger
9. Branding on the Face in Early Modern Europe
Craig Koslofsky
10. Mouches Volantes: The Enigma of Paste-On Beauty Marks in Seventeenth-Century France
Claire Goldstein
Cultural Inscriptions: Body Marking After 1800
Peter S. Erickson
List of Contributors
Download a PDF sample chapter here: Introduction
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