Signifying (on) Scriptures
New and Bestselling Books
- Borderline Exegesis
Leif E. Vaage - Divining the Self
Velma E. Love - Finding Kluskap
Jennifer Reid
- Kimbanguism
Aurélien Mokoko Gampiot, Translated by Cécile Coquet-Mokoko - Understanding the Qurʾanic Miracle Stories in the Modern Age
Isra Yazicioglu

About this Series
Signifying (on) Scriptures, a project of the Institute for Signifying Scriptures at the Claremont Graduate University, invites and challenges scholars from different fields and disciplines to engage the phenomenon of signifying in relationship to “scriptures.” The focus of these works is not upon the content meaning of texts but upon the textures, signs, material products, practices, orientations, politics, and power issues associated with the sociocultural phenomenon of the invention and engagement of scriptures. The defining interest is how peoples, especially the historically dominated, make texts signify as vectors for understanding, establishing, and communicating their identities, agency, and power in the world.
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