’Pataphysics Unrolled
Edited by Katie L. Price and Michael R. Taylor
“’Pataphysics Unrolled looks to be a pataphysically invaluable tome that is an illustration of . . . precisely such pataphysical endeavours as itself, pataphysically.”
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- Subjects
In addition to the editors, the contributors to this volume include Charles Bernstein, Marc Décimo, Adam Dickinson, Johanna Drucker, Craig Dworkin, Catherine Hansen, James Hendler, John Heon, Ted Hiebert, Andrew Hugill, Steve McCaffery, Seth McDowell, Jerome McGann, Anne M. Mulhall, Marcus O’Dair, Jean-Michel Rabaté, Orchid Tierney, and Brandon Walsh.
“’Pataphysics Unrolled looks to be a pataphysically invaluable tome that is an illustration of . . . precisely such pataphysical endeavours as itself, pataphysically.”
“Continuing and elaborating Alfred Jarry’s notion of ’pataphysics, this collection tracks ’pataphysics’ continued appearances and developments in ensuing avant-garde movements, modern and contemporary art, the intersections of art, literature, and science— and the far-reaching effects of pushing against normative logics and thinking in exceptional ways.”
Katie L. Price is Senior Associate Director at the Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility at Swarthmore College, codirector of the Philadelphia Avant-Garde Studies Consortium, and Interviews Editor at Jacket2. She is the author of the chapbook BRCA: Birth of a Patient.
Michael R. Taylor is Artistic Director and Chief Curator at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. He is the author of Marcel Duchamp: Étant donnés, Arshile Gorky: A Retrospective, and Thomas Chimes: Adventures in ’Pataphysics.
List of Illustrations
Editors’ Note
Introduction: “Unrolled by the Saliva and Teeth of the Water”
Katie L. Price
Part 1: “And Behold, the Wallpaper of Faustroll’s Body”: Jarry’s Pataphysical Invitation
1. Twisted Witz: Experiments in Psychopathology and Humor by Dr. Faustroll and His Pataphysical Progeny
John Heon
2. Pataphallics in Jarry’s Novels
Jean-Michel Rabaté
3. Wartime Pataphysics: Postwar Surrealism, the Main à Plume Group, and Boris Rybak’s Intraphysics
Catherine Hanson
4. Marcel Duchamp and the Collège de ‘Pataphysique
Marc Décimo
Translated by Anne M. Mulhall
5. The Potential Energy of Texts [ΔU = −PΔV]
Craig Dworkin
Part 2: “Like a Musical Score, All Art and All Science”: Pataphysics After Jarry and Beyond the Collège
6. Pataphysics in Philadelphia: The Strange Case of James E. Brewton
Michael R. Taylor
7. Circumstantial Evidence: Pataphysical Inflexions in Edward Dorn’s Gunslinger and bpNichol’s Probable Systems
Steve McCaffery
8. Beyond “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer”: Pataphysics and Popular Music
Marcus O’Dair
9. Art and the Pataphysics of Exception: Or, How a Sieve Becomes a Time Machine
Ted Hiebert
Part 3: “Written in the Curves of the Limbs”: Pataphysical Criticism
10. Reading, Writing, and Rhythmatic
Jerome McGann
11. The Patacritical Demon, Two Decades Later
Johanna Drucker
12. Reflections on Applied Research in Patacriticism: Prism and Reading’s Shape
Brandon Walsh
13. The Pataquerical Imagination: Midrashic Antinomianism and the Promise of Bent Studies
Charles Bernstein
Part 4: “Progression to an Infinite Degree Was Prophesized Therein”: Pataphysics’ Possible Futures
14. Concerning an Unfindable Architecture
Seth McDowell
15. Metabolic Poetics: Writing the Anthropocene
Adam Dickinson
16. Pataphysics and Computing
Andrew Hugill and James Hendler
17. Pataphysics and the Academy
Orchid Tierney
Selected Bibliography
List of Contributors
Download a PDF sample chapter here: Introduction
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