Art History & Architecture-Modern and Contemporary
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Sort by author Sort by date- Aesthetics of the Margins / The Margins of Aesthetics
David Carrier and Joachim Pissarro - African American Artists and the New Deal Art Programs
Mary Ann Calo, and Epilogue by Jacqueline Francis - Against Our Will
Vivien Green Fryd - Air-Conditioning in Modern American Architecture, 1890–1970
Joseph M. Siry - Albrecht Dürer and the Embodiment of Genius
Jeffrey Chipps Smith - All About Process
Kim Grant - Alter Icons
Edited by Jefferson J. A. Gatrall, and Douglas Greenfield - Angels of Art
Bailey Van Hook - Arneson and the Object
Leo G. Mazow - Art and Form
Sam Rose - Art and Globalization
Edited by James Elkins, Zhivka Valiavicharska, and Alice Kim - Art and Its Discontents
Richard Read - Art for Animals
J. Keri Cronin - The Art of Enigma
Keala Jewell - An Artistic Friendship
Joyce Henri Robinson - At the Crossroads of the Senses
Polina Dimova - Becoming Modern, Becoming Tradition
Adriana Zavala - Beholding Christ and Christianity in African American Art
Edited by James Romaine and Phoebe Wolfskill - Bells for America
Diederik Oostdijk - Beyond National Identity
Michele Greet - Beyond Pleasure
Margaret Iversen - Beyond the Aesthetic and the Anti-Aesthetic
Edited by James Elkins and Harper Montgomery - Cézanne's Bathers
Aruna D’Souza - Cold Modernism
Jessica Burstein - Cold War in the White Cube
Delia Solomons - Cold War Photographic Diplomacy
Darren Newbury - Color in the Age of Impressionism
Laura Anne Kalba - The Coral Mind
Edited by Stephen Bann - Couples Discourse
Edited by Micaela Amateau Amato and Joyce Henri Robinson - The Curatorial Avant-Garde
Adam Jolles - Decorative Arts of the Tunisian École
Jessica Gerschultz - Degas and the Business of Art
Marilyn R. Brown - Designing a New Tradition
Rebecca VanDiver - Documenting Spain
Jordana Mendelson - Drawing Degree Zero
Anna Lovatt - Edvard Munch's Mermaid
John Zarobell, and Shelley Langdale - Émilie Charmy
Matthew Affron, and with contributions by Sarah Betzer and Rita Felski - The End Again
Oscar E. Vázquez - An Endless Panorama of Beauty
Joyce Henri Robinson - The Essence of Line
Edited by Jay Fisher, William Johnston, Cheryl Snay, and Kim Schenk - Facing Images
Kristopher W. Kersey - Farewell to Visual Studies
Edited by James Elkins, Gustav Frank, and Sunil Manghani - The Female Secession
Megan Brandow-Faller - Fernand Léger
Matthew Affron - Fixed Ecstasy
Charles Palermo - Fragment, Image, and Absence in 1960s Japan
Ignacio A. Adriasola Muñoz - Freedom and the Cage
Leslie Topp - From Diversion to Subversion
Edited by David J. Getsy - Georgia O'Keeffe
Edited by René Paul Barilleaux, and Edited by Sarah Whitaker Peters - A Gift from the Heart
Edited by Joyce Henri Robinson - Gunnar Asplund's Gothenburg
Nicholas Adams - Hans Moller
Valerie Livingston - Henri Matisse
Catherine Bock-Weiss - Hold That Pose
Lou Charnon-Deutsch - Homer, Eakins, and Anshutz
Randall C. Griffin - Houses from Books
Daniel D. Reiff - The Icon and the Square
Maria Taroutina - (Im)permanence
Edited by Judith Schachter, and Stephen Brockmann - Image, Action, and Idea in Contemporary Jewish Art
Ben Schachter - Inventing the Art Collection
Oscar E. Vázquez - Invisible Cathedrals
Edited by Neil H. Donahue - Jane Hammond
Edited by Marianne Doezema - Jewish Artists and the Bible in Twentieth-Century America
Samantha Baskind - John Covert Rediscovered
Leo G. Mazow - Joseph Cornell and Surrealism
Edited by Matthew Affron and Sylvie Ramond - Landscape into Eco Art
Mark Cheetham - Le Tumulte noir
Jody Blake - Léonce Rosenberg’s Cubism
Giovanni Casini - London Art Worlds
Edited by Jo Applin, Catherine Spencer, and Amy Tobin - Looking into Walt Whitman
Ruth L. Bohan - Love and Degradation
William J. Simmons - Machine Modernism, Masculinity, and the Trauma of War
Maureen G. Shanahan - Meyer Schapiro’s Critical Debates
C. Oliver O’Donnell - Modernism and Its Merchandise
Juli Highfill - Monumental Intolerance
Neil McWilliam - Nature’s Experiments and the Search for Symbolist Form
Allison Morehead - Nature's Truth
Anne Helmreich - The Other American Moderns
ShiPu Wang - Part Object Part Sculpture
Edited by Helen Molesworth - ’Pataphysics Unrolled
Edited by Katie L. Price and Michael R. Taylor - The Persian Revival
Talinn Grigor - The Photographic Experience, 1839–1914
Heinz K. Henisch, and Bridget Ann Henisch - The Photography of Crisis
Daniel H. Magilow - Pier Groups
Jonathan Weinberg - The Poetry of Line
Patrick J. McGrady - Postcards
Edited by David Prochaska and Jordana Mendelson - Precious Metal
Peter H. Christensen - Princeton
W. Barksdale Maynard - Projecting Citizenship
Gabrielle Moser - The Prophetic Quest
David S. Herrstrom and Andrew D. Scrimgeour - Qayrawān
William Gallois - Radical Dreams
Edited by Elliott H. King and Abigail Susik - Rage and Denials
Branko Mitrović - Re-envisioning the Everyday
John Fagg - Re-viewing Documentary
Laura Katzman, and Beverly W. Brannan - Red Grooms and the Heroism of Modern Life
Joyce Henri Robinson - Rethinking Arshile Gorky
Kim S. Theriault - Salvador Dalí, or the Art of Spitting on Your Mother's Portrait
Carlos Rojas - Scented Visions
Christina Bradstreet - Sculptors Against the State
Mark Antliff - Seurat Re-viewed
Edited by Paul Smith - Shattered Objects
Edited by Elizabeth Pender and Cathryn Setz - Simon Hantaï and the Reserves of Painting
Molly Warnock - SlideShow
Edited by Darsie Alexander, Edited by Charles Harrison, and Edited by Robert Storr - The Social and the Real
Edited by Alejandro Anreus, Diana L. Linden, and Jonathan Weinberg - Soviet Salvage
Catherine Walworth - Space-Age Aesthetics
Stephen Petersen - Study in Black and White
Tanya Sheehan - The Substance and the Shadow
Paul Smith - Thomas Hart Benton and the American Sound
Leo G. Mazow - Through the Looking Glass
Joyce Henri Robinson, and Sarah Rich - The Urban Scene
Carmenita Higginbotham - Visions of the Future
Matthew Rampley - Walter Pach (1883–1958)
Laurette E. McCarthy - Why Monet Matters
James H. Rubin - Will Barnet
Patrick J. McGrady - With Darkness Came Stars
Audrey Flack - Within the Landscape
Edited by Phillip Earenfight, and Edited by Nancy Siegel - Work Ethic
Helen Molesworth - The World in Paint
David Peters Corbett - Wos up man?
Joyce Henri Robinson - The Wound and the Stitch
Loretta Victoria Ramirez
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