Democracy as Fetish
Ralph Cintron
“A combination of conceptual and philosophical analysis and insights from decades of fieldwork, Cintron deftly moves between registers of abstraction and the particularities of everyday struggles to map liberal democracy’s many incoherencies.”
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In this innovative multidisciplinary study, Ralph Cintron provides sustained analysis of our political discourse. He shows not only how the rhetoric of democracy produces strong desires for social order, global wealth, and justice but also how these desires cannot be satisfied. Throughout his discussion, Cintron includes ethnographic research from fieldwork conducted over the course of twenty years in the Latino neighborhoods of Chicago, where he observes both citizens and the undocumented looking to democracy to fulfill their highest aspirations. Politicians hand out favors to the elite, developers strong-arm aldermen, and the disenfranchised have little redress. The problem, Cintron argues, is that the conditions required to put democracy into practice—territory, a bordered nation-state, citizens, property—are constituted by inequality and violence, because there is no inclusivity that does not also exclude.
Drawing on ethnography, economics, political theory, and rhetorical analysis, Cintron makes his case with tremendous analytic rigor. This challenge to reassess the discourses on democracy and to consider democratic politics as always compromised by oligarchy will be of particular interest to political and rhetorical theorists.
“A combination of conceptual and philosophical analysis and insights from decades of fieldwork, Cintron deftly moves between registers of abstraction and the particularities of everyday struggles to map liberal democracy’s many incoherencies.”
“Democracy as Fetish is necessary reading for today. Cintron demonstrates democracy’s fetishization in contemporary theorizing and guides readers through a new framework with the radical potential to explain the political maelström we live in. Cintron wildly blends fieldwork, theory, and textual analysis, constructing what reads like lively dialogue between conversationalists who are excited and invested and who care. Democracy as Fetish will stick with you long after you finish the final pages. Its ideas will return to you in random moments, you will mention it in conversation, and you will recommend it many times over to colleagues and acquaintances.”
“As theorists and critics, we should welcome books that call us to question the ideas and ideals that motivate our scholarship and, more specifically, the way we employ foundational concepts in the study of rhetoric and philosophy. Ralph Cintron’s Democracy as Fetish is one such book.”
Ralph Cintron is Associate Professor of English and Latin American and Latino Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is the author of Angels’ Town: Chero Ways, Gang Life, and the Rhetorics of the Everyday and coeditor of Culture, Catastrophe, and Rhetoric: The Texture of Political Action.
1 Putting a Text into Motion
2 Democracy Is . . . ?
3 The Undocumented Among Us
4 Property and Its Entanglements
5 Closings/Openings
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