Political Science
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John Markoff - Activist Faith
Carol Ann Drogus, and Hannah Stewart-Gambino - After Gun Violence
Craig Rood - An Age of Tyrants
Christopher A. Snyder - Aging Across the United States
Charles Lockhart, and Jean Giles-Sims - Allegories of Kingship
Stephen Rupp - America Through European Eyes
Edited by Aurelian Craiutu and Jeffrey C. Isaac - America's New Working Class
Kathleen R. Arnold - America's Strategic Blunders
Willard C. Matthias - America/Américas
Eldon Kenworthy - American Guestworkers
David Griffith - American Immigration After 1996
Kathleen R. Arnold - The American Mayor
Melvin G. Holli - Antebellum American Culture
David Brion Davis - Appeals to Interest
Dean Mathiowetz - The Arab Bureau
Bruce Westrate - Argentina's Radical Party and Popular Mobilization, 1916–1930
Joel Horowitz - Argentine Democracy
Edited by Steven Levitsky, and Edited by María Victoria Murillo - Arlen Specter
Edited by Brian Lockman and Francine Schertzer, Introduction by G. Terry Madonna, and Shanin Specter - At Work in Penn's Woods
Joseph M. Speakman - The Australian Citizens’ Parliament and the Future of Deliberative Democracy
Edited by Lyn Carson, John Gastil, Janette Hartz-Karp, and Ron Lubensky - Authoritarianism and Democratization
Gerardo L. Munck - Authority Figures
Torrey Shanks - Ayn Rand: Second Edition
Chris Matthew Sciabarra - Balancing the Scales of Justice
Anthony Crubaugh - Bankrupt Representation and Party System Collapse
Jana Morgan - Barrio Democracy in Latin America
Eduardo Canel - The Battles of Texas
Nate Kreuter and Mark Garrett Longaker - Becoming a Revolutionary
Timothy Tackett - Becoming La Raza
José G. Izaguirre III - Before the Revolution
Victoria González-Rivera - Between Genealogy and Epistemology
Todd May - Beyond Civility
William Keith and Robert Danisch - Blacks and the Quest for Economic Equality
James W. Button, Barbara A. Rienzo, and Sheila L. Croucher - Blood and Debt
Miguel Angel Centeno - The Body Problematic
Laura Hengehold - The Bolivian Revolution and the United States, 1952 to the Present
James F. Siekmeier - The Bonds of Humanity
Cary J. Nederman - The Book of Peace
Edited by Karen Green, Constant J. Mews, and Janice Pinder - Bounded Missions
Craig L. Arceneaux - Bribes, Bullets, and Intimidation
Julie Marie Bunck and Michael Ross Fowler - The Burke-Wollstonecraft Debate
Daniel I. O’Neill - Can Globalization Promote Human Rights?
Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann - Can Workers Have A Voice?
Dale A. Hathaway - Canon Fodder
Penny A. Weiss - Capabilities, Power, and Institutions
Edited by Stephen L. Esquith and Fred Gifford - A Capitol Journey
Vincent P. Carocci - Care Work and Class
Merike Blofield - The Caribbean Legion
Charles Ameringer - Caricature and National Character
Christopher J. Gilbert - Catastrophic Politics
Richard Himelfarb - The Central Intelligence Agency
Arthur B. Darling, Introduced and Annotation by Bruce D. Berkowitz, and Allan E. Goodman - Challenges of Ordinary Democracy
Karen Tracy - Challenging Liberalism
Lisa H. Schwartzman - Championing a Public Good
Carolyn D. Commer - Changing Patterns of Voting in the Northern United States
Robert W. Speel - Choosing Equality
Edited by Robert L. Hayman Jr., Leland Ware, and with a Foreword by Vice President Joe Biden - Citizen Competence and Democratic Institutions
Edited by Stephen L. Elkin, and Edited by Karol Soltan - Civil Religion in Modern Political Philosophy
Edited by Steven Frankel and Martin D. Yaffe - Civil Rights and Social Wrongs
Edited by John Higham - Civil Rights in the United States
Edited by Hugh Graham - A Civil Tongue
Mark Kingwell - “Civilizing” Rio
Teresa Meade - Closing the Door to Destitution
Raymond Richards - Cold War Endgame
Edited by William C. Wohlforth - Collective Dreams
Keally D. McBride - The Colonels’ Coup and the American Embassy
Robert V. Keeley, and Prologue by John O. Iatrides - Combating Hate
Billie Murray - The Committed Word
James Engell - A Companion to Michael Oakeshott
Edited by Paul Franco, and Leslie Marsh - Compromised Positions
Katherine Elaine Bliss - Conceiving a Nation
Mira Morgenstern - Congress and the Classroom
Lee W. Anderson - A Conservative Environmentalist
Thomas G. Smith - The Constitution and Public Policy in U.S. History
Edited by Julian E. Zelizer, and Bruce J. Schulman - The Constitution of Good Societies
Edited by Karol Soltan, and Edited by Stephen L. Elkin - Constitutional Law as Fiction
Lewis H. LaRue - Constitutive Visions
Christa J. Olson - The Constraint of Race
Linda Faye Williams - Contesting Legitimacy in Chile
Gwynn Thomas - Contract, Culture, and Citizenship
Mark E. Button - Copper Workers, International Business, and Domestic Politics in Cold War Chile
Angela Vergara - Cops Across Borders
Ethan Nadelmann - Cracking Under Pressure
Lynn Owens - Crafting Coalitions for Reform
Peter R. Kingstone - Crafting Peace
Caroline A. Hartzell, and Matthew Hoddie - Creating a Democratic Public
Kevin Mattson - Creating Social Democracy
Edited by Klaus Misgeld, Edited by Karl Molin, and Edited by Klas Åmark - Creating the Constitution
Thornton Anderson - Crossroads
Cynthia Arnson - Cultural Exchange and the Cold War
Yale Richmond - Cultural Revolutions
Lawrence E. Cahoone - Culture of Eloquence
James Perrin Warren - The Culture of Power in Serbia
Eric D. Gordy - Date Rape
Edited by Leslie Francis - Decentralization and Recentralization in the Developing World
J. Tyler Dickovick - Decentralization, Democratization, and Informal Power in Mexico
Andrew Selee - Decolonizing Democracy
Christine Keating - Deconstructing Legitimacy
Patricia H. Marks - Deepening Local Democracy in Latin America
Benjamin Goldfrank - Deliberative Democracy in America
Ethan J. Leib - Demanding the Land
Paul Dosh, and Photographs by James Lerager - Democracy and the Politics of Silence
Mónica Brito Vieira - Democracy as Fetish
Ralph Cintron - Democracy at the Point of Bayonets
Mark Peceny - Democracy Within Reason: Second Edition
Miguel Angel Centeno - Democracy Without Decency
William M. Epstein - Democracy, Justice, and the Welfare State
Julie Anne White - Democratic Philosophy and the Politics of Knowledge
Richard T. Peterson - Democratic Professionalism
Albert W. Dzur - Democratization Without Representation
Kenneth C. Shadlen - The Denial of Bosnia
Rusmir Mahmutćehajić - Deplorable
Mary E. Stuckey - Deportable and Disposable
Lisa A. Flores - Deutsche Mark Diplomacy
Randall E. Newnham - Dewey for a New Age of Fascism
Nathan Crick - Dialectics, Dogmas, and Dissent
John Rodden - Dictatorship, Democracy, and Globalization
Klaus Friedrich Veigel - (Dis)Entitling the Poor
Elizabeth Bussiere - The Discourse of Propaganda
John Oddo - Divided Empire
Robert Thomas Fallon - Do the Poor Count?
Michelle M. Taylor-Robinson - Domesticating Revolution
Gerald W. Creed - Don’t Burn it Here
Ed Walsh, Rex hanson, and Douglas Clayton Smith - Down and Out in Early America
Edited by Billy G. Smith - Downsizing the State
Dag MacLeod - Drug Control Policy
Edited by William O. Walker III - Drugs and Security in the Caribbean
Ivelaw Griffith - Economic Restructuring and Family Well-Being in Rural America
Edited by Kristin E. Smith and Ann R. Tickamyer - The Economy of Early America
Edited by Cathy Matson - Elections in Pennsylvania
Jack M. Treadway - Empathy and Democracy
Michael E. Morrell - Engels After Marx
Edited by Manfred B. Steger, and Terrell Carver - An Entrenched Legacy
Patrick M. Garry - The Environmental Crusaders
Myron Peretz Glazer, and Penina Migdal Glazer - Envisioning Reform
Linn Hammergren - Eros in Plato, Rousseau, and Nietzsche
Laurence D. Cooper - Essays on the Active Powers of Man
Thomas Reid, Edited by Knud Haakonssen, and James A. Harris - The Evolving Citizen
Jay P. Childers - Experiment in Occupation
Arthur D. Kahn - The Fabric of Gender
Helen Chenut - Federal Social Policy
Edited by Donald T. Critchlow, and Ellis W. Hawley - Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville
Edited by Jill Locke, and Eileen Hunt Botting - Feminist Interpretations of Emma Goldman
Edited by Penny A. Weiss, and Edited by Loretta Kensinger - Feminist Interpretations of John Locke
Edited by Nancy J. Hirschmann, and Edited by Kirstie M. McClure - Feminist Interpretations of Mary Wollstonecraft
Edited by Maria J. Falco - Feminist Interpretations of Niccolò Machiavelli
Edited by Maria J. Falco - Feminist Policymaking in Chile
Liesl Haas - Feudal America
Vladimir Shlapentokh, and Joshua Woods - Fidel Castro and the Quest for a Revolutionary Culture in Cuba
Julie Marie Bunck - The Fight Over Food
Edited by Wynne Wright, and Edited by Gerad Middendorf - Final Solutions
Richard M. Lerner - The First Inauguration
Stephen Howard Browne - Five Chapters on Rhetoric
Michael S. Kochin - Folkloric Poverty
Rebecca Overmyer-Velázquez - Fostering Autonomy
Elizabeth Ben-Ishai - Foucault and the Critique of Institutions
Edited by John D. Caputo, and Mark Yount - The Fourth Enemy
James Cane - Friendly Sovereignty
Ted H. Miller - From Apartheid to Democracy
Katherine Elizabeth Mack - From Harvard to the Ranks of Labor
Michael Robert Bussel - From Liberal to Revolutionary Oaxaca
Francie R. Chassen-López - From Pablo to Osama
Michael Kenney - From Progressive to New Dealer
Kenneth E. Miller - From Subjects to Citizens
Sarah C. Chambers - From Vietnam to 9/11: Second Paperback Edition
John P. Murtha, and With John Plashal - From Warfare State to Welfare State
Marc Allen Eisner - From Windfall to Curse?
Jonathan Di John - The Fujimori Legacy
Edited by Julio F. Carrión - The Future of the Democratic Left in Industrial Democracies
Edited by Erwin C. Hargrove - Gender and Populism in Latin America
Edited by Karen Kampwirth - Gender and Welfare in Mexico
Nichole Sanders - Gender Politics in the Western Balkans
Edited by Sabrina P. Ramet - Gendered Paradoxes
Amy Lind - General Walter Bedell Smith as Director of Central Intelligence, October 1950–February 1953
Ludwell L. Montague - German Unification in the European Context
Peter H. Merkl - Globalization and Beyond
Edited by Jon Shefner and Patricia Fernández-Kelly - Governing Disorder
Laura Zanotti - The Great Gap
Edited by Merike Blofield - Greatness in the White House: Second, Updated Edition
Robert Murray, and Tim Blessing - Greece at the Crossroads
Edited by John O. Iatrides, and Linda Wrigley - Harnessing Globalization
Roy C. Nelson - Hawke's Law
Ronald Libby - Health Care and Reform in Industrialized Countries
Edited by Marshall W. Raffel - Health Care Policy in Contemporary America
Edited by Alan I. Marcus, and Edited by Hamilton Cravens - High-Speed Society
Edited by Hartmut Rosa, and Edited by William E. Scheuerman - A History of Pennsylvania
Philip S. Klein, and Ari Hoogenboom - Homeland Mythology
Christopher Collins - Human Rights and Memory
Daniel Levy and Natan Sznaider - Humanism and the Rhetoric of Toleration
Gary Remer - Humanitarianism and Modern Culture
Keith Tester - The Illusion of Civil Society
Jon Shefner - Illusion of Consent
Edited by Daniel I. O’Neill, Mary Lyndon Shanley, and Iris Marion Young - Imagining Peace
Benno Lowe - In a Defiant Stance
John P. Reid - In the Name of Reason
Patricio Silva - In the Shadow of the Rising Sun
William S. Dietrich - In the Struggle for Freedom
Vladko Maček - Income Inequality in Capitalist Democracies
Vicki L. Birchfield - Inside the Kremlin During the Yom Kippur War
Victor Israelyan - Inside the Soviet Alternate Universe
Dick Combs, and Foreword by Jack F. Matlock Jr. - Integrating the Sixties
Edited by Brian Balogh - Intellectuals in Action
Kevin Mattson - Intelligence Intervention in the Politics of Democratic States
Uri Bar-Joseph - Interest Group Politics in the Northeastern States
Ronald J. Hrebenar, and Clive S. Thomas - International Migration in Cuba
Margarita Cervantes-Rodríguez, Foreword by Alejandro Portes - Intersecting Inequalities
Jelke Boesten - Intervention and Underdevelopment
Jon Kofas - Invading Guatemala
Matthew Restall and Florine Asselbergs - The Jacobin Republic Under Fire
Paul R. Hanson - Jean Jaurès
Geoffrey Kurtz - Kant and the Promise of Rhetoric
Scott R. Stroud - Kant’s Political Theory
Edited by Elisabeth Ellis - Keeping Tito Afloat
Lorraine M. Lees - Kierkegaard's Critique of Reason and Society
Merold Westphal - Killing Detente
Anne Cahn - The King’s Body
Sergio Bertelli, and Translated by R. Burr Litchfield - Land, Protest, and Politics
Gabriel Ondetti - A Laughable Empire
Todd Nathan Thompson - Law, Power, and the Sovereign State
Michael Ross Fowler, and Julie Marie Bunck - Legalizing Transnational Activism
Jonathan Graubart - Leo Strauss on Plato’s Euthyphro
Edited by Hannes Kerber and Svetozar Y. Minkov - Letters to Power
Samuel McCormick - Liberian Dreams
Edited by Wilson J. Moses - Liberty, Property, and Privacy
Edward Keynes - Limiting Resources
LaDawn Haglund - Linking Civil Society and the State
Gerd Schönwälder - The Living from the Dead
Stuart J. Murray - Loss of Confidence
Edited by David Brian Robertson - Lost Worlds
Jonathan Dewald - Made in Mexico
Susan M. Gauss - The Making of a Market
Juliette Levy - Man or Citizen
Karen Pagani - Market Reform in Society
Moisés Arce - Marx versus Markets
Stanley Moore - Marx's Fate
Jerrold Seigel - Marxism and Science
Gavin Kitching - A Matter of Simple Justice: Updated edition
Lee Stout - Meditations on Modern Political Thought
Jean Bethke Elshtain - Melancholy Politics
Jean-Philippe Mathy - Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev
Edited by Sergei Khrushchev - Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev
Edited by Sergei Khrushchev - Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev
Edited by Sergei Khrushchev - Metanoia
Adam Ellwanger, Foreword by Pat J. Gehrke - Mexican Messiah
George W. Grayson - Militarization, Democracy, and Development
Kirk S. Bowman - Military Persuasion
Stephen Cimbala - Mill and the Moral Character of Liberalism
Edited by Eldon J. Eisenach - Milton in Government
Robert Thomas Fallon - Mining for the Nation
Jody Pavilack - Mobile Capital and Latin American Development
James E. Mahon Jr. - Models of Capitalism
Edited by Evelyne Huber - The Modern Corporation and American Political Thought
Scott Bowman - Money and Politics
Edited by Paula Baker - Moral Philosophy After 9/11
Joseph Margolis - The Moral Theory of Poststructuralism
Todd May - Music for the Revolution
Amy Nelson - My Years with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze
Pavel Palazchenko - The Myth of the Modern Presidency
David K. Nichols - Nationalism and the International Labor Movement
Michael Forman - The Navy in the Post-Cold War World
Colin S. Gray - Neoliberalism, Accountability, and Reform Failures in Emerging Markets
Luigi Manzetti - Networked Media, Networked Rhetorics
Damien Smith Pfister - The New Global Economy in the Information Age
Martin Carnoy, Manuel Castells, Stephen Cohen, and Fernando-Henrique Cardoso - The New Holy Wars
Robert H. Nelson - New Myth, New World
Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal - New Perspectives on Public Health Policy
Edited by James Mohr - New Pioneers
Jeffrey Carl Jacob - The New State
Mary Parker Follett, Foreword by Benjamin R. Barber, Foreword by Jane Mansbridge, and Introduction by Kevin Mattson - Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower
Sergei Khrushchev - Nîmes at War
Robert Zaretsky - Norms of Liberty
Douglas B. Rasmussen, and Douglas J. Den Uyl - Odious Praise
Eric MacPhail - On the Battlefields of the Cold War
Victor Israelyan - Organizing Civil Society
Philip D. Oxhorn - Organizing Dissent
Maria Lorena Cook - Orwell Subverted
Daniel J. Leab - Out of Order
Ellen Carnaghan - Out of the Shadows
Edited by Patricia Fernández-Kelly, and Edited by Jon Shefner - Ownership, Authority, and Self-Determination
Burke A. Hendrix - Participatory Budgeting in Brazil
Brian Wampler - Pathways to Power
Edited by Peter M. Siavelis and Scott Morgenstern - Paying Attention to Foreign Affairs
Thomas Knecht - Peace Without Justice
Margaret Popkin - Peacemaking by Democracies
Norrin M. Ripsman - Pennsylvania Government and Politics
Thomas J. Baldino and Paula A. Duda Holoviak - Pennsylvania Politics Today and Yesterday
Paul B. Beers - Peru and the United States, 1960–1975
Richard J. Walter - The Peruvian Labyrinth
Edited by Maxwell A. Cameron and Philip Mauceri - The Platonic Political Art
John R. Wallach - Political Activists in America
Nathan Teske - Political Intelligence and the Creation of Modern Mexico, 1938–1954
Aaron W. Navarro - The Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist Anarchism
Todd May - The Political Responsibilities of Everyday Bystanders
Stephen L. Esquith - The Political Right in Postauthoritarian Brazil
Timothy J. Power - Political Solidarity
Sally J. Scholz - The Political Thought of Jacques Rancière
Todd May - Politicians and Economic Reform in New Democracies
Kent Eaton - The Politics of Abortion and Birth Control in Historical Perspective
Edited by Donald T. Critchlow - The Politics of English Jacobinism
Edited by Gregory Claeys - The Politics of Labor Reform in Latin America
Maria Lorena Cook - The Politics of National Capitalism
James P. Brennan, and Marcelo Rougier - The Politics of Resentment
Jeremy Engels - The Politics of Sincerity
Elizabeth Markovits - The Politics of Warfare
Stephen Cimbala - Positivist Republic
Gillis Harp - The Post-NAFTA Political Economy
Edited by Carol Wise - Post-transitional Justice
Cath Collins - Posters for Peace
Thomas W. Benson - The Postmodern Marx
Terrell Carver - Power from Experience
Paul Lawrence Haber - The Power of Symbols Against the Symbols of Power
Jan Kubik - Power, Neoliberalism, and the Reinvention of Politics
Edited by Amy Allen and Eduardo Mendieta - Practicing Citizenship
Kristy Maddux - The President and Congress in Postauthoritarian Chile
Peter M. Siavelis - Presidents Without Parties
Javier Corrales - The Price of American Foreign Policy
William I. Bacchus - Prints of a New Kind
Allison M. Stagg - Private Selves, Public Identities
Susan Hekman - The Problematic Public
Edited by Kristian Bjørkdahl - The Problems and Promise of Commercial Society
Dennis C. Rasmussen - Producing Knowledge, Protecting Forests
Light Carruyo - The Prospects for Liberal Nationalism in Post-Leninist States
Cheng Chen - Protecting the Elderly
Charles Lockhart - Protest Politics in Germany
Roger Karapin - Prudence
Edited by Robert Hariman - Public Forgetting
Bradford Vivian - The Radical Right in Central and Eastern Europe Since 1989
Edited by Sabrina P. Ramet - Radical Whigs and Conspiratorial Politics in Late Stuart England
Melinda S. Zook - Radical Women in Latin America
Edited by Victoria González-Rivera and Karen Kampwirth - The Rape of Lucretia and the Founding of Republics
Melissa Matthes - Reactions to the Market
Laura J. Enríquez - Real Choices
Beth Kiyoko Jamieson - The Realignment of Pennsylvania Politics Since 1960
Renée M. Lamis, and Foreword by James L. Sundquist - Reconsidering Difference
Todd May - Reconsidering the Democratic Public
Edited by George E. Marcus, and Russell Hanson - Reconstructing Rawls
Robert S. Taylor - Reflections on Time and Politics
Nathan Widder - Refugees and the Asylum Dilemma in the West
Edited by Gil Loescher - Regional Orders
Edited by David A. Lake, and Edited by Patrick M. Morgan - Reinventing World War II
Barbara A. Biesecker - Religion Around Bono
Chad E. Seales - Religion, Ethnicity, and Politics
Owen S. Ireland - Religious Routes to Gladstonian Liberalism
Jacob Ellens - Remembering the War, Forgetting the Terror
Ekaterina V. Haskins - The Renaissance Perfected
D. Medina Lasansky - Reorganizing Popular Politics
Edited by Ruth Berins Collier, and Samuel Handlin - Rereading the Conquest
James Krippner-Martínez - Restoring Democracy to America
John F. M. McDermott - Rethinking Development in Latin America
Edited by Charles H. Wood, and Edited by Bryan R. Roberts - Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention
Brian D. Lepard - Retrieving Political Emotion
Barbara Koziak - Rhetorical Citizenship and Public Deliberation
Edited by Christian Kock and Lisa Villadsen - Rhetorics of Democracy in the Americas
Edited by Adriana Angel, Michael L. Butterworth, and Nancy R. Gómez - The Rhetorics of US Immigration
Edited by E. Johanna Hartelius - Right-Wing Women in Chile
Margaret Power - The Rise and Fall of Democracy in Early America, 1630–1789
Joshua Miller - The Rise and Fall of Nuclearism
Sheldon Ungar - Rosa Luxemburg
Stephen Eric Bronner - Rousseau and the Problem of Human Relations
John M. Warner - Rousseau on Education, Freedom, and Judgment
Denise Schaeffer - Rousseau, Nature, and the Problem of the Good Life
Laurence D. Cooper - Rousseau's Platonic Enlightenment
David Lay Williams - The Rule of the Rich?
Susan E. Gallagher - Ruling Passions
Edited by Richard R. John - Rural Protest and the Making of Democracy in Mexico, 1968–2000
Dolores Trevizo - Russia's Constitutional Revolution
Robert Ahdieh - Satire as the Comic Public Sphere
James E. Caron - Savage Democracy
Steven T. Wuhs - School Choice and the Betrayal of Democracy
Robert Asen - Second-Wave Neoliberalism
Christina Ewig - The Seed Was Planted
Cliff Welch - Seeking Social Justice Through Globalization
Gavin Kitching - The Sentimental Citizen
George E. Marcus - The Seven Democratic Virtues
Christopher Beem - Sex, Culture, and Justice
Clare Chambers - Sex, Violence, and the Avant-Garde
Richard D. Sonn - Shifting States in Global Markets
Alfred P. Montero - Silence and Democracy
John G. Zumbrunnen - Slovakia on the Road to Independence
Paul Hacker, and with a foreword by Senator Claiborne Pell - Sociology in Government
Olaf F. Larson, Julie N. Zimmerman, and Assisted by Edward O. Moe - Sound Tactics
Justin Eckstein - Southern Baptist Politics
Arthur E. Farnsley II - A Space for Science
Simon Schwartzman - Sparks of Liberty
Gene Sosin - The Spring Will Be Ours
Andrzej Paczkowski, and Translated by Jane Cave - Stage Fright
Paul du Quenoy - State Sovereignty
Edited by Sohail H. Hashmi - State, Labor, and the Transition to a Market Economy : Second Edition
Agnieszka Paczyńska - Stories of Globalization
Alessandro Bonanno, and Douglas H. Constance - Strategy, Security, and Spies
María Emilia Paz - Sunken Treaties
Emily O. Goldman - Sustaining Civil Society
Philip Oxhorn - Sustaining Human Rights
Michelle D. Bonner - Taking on Goliath
Kathleen Bruhn - Talking Democracy
Edited by Benedetto Fontana, Cary J. Nederman, and Gary Remer - Tax Evasion and the Rule of Law in Latin America
Marcelo Bergman - Terrorism in Context
Edited by Martha Crenshaw - Textbook Reds
John Rodden - Theories of Tyranny
Roger Boesche - Thomas Reid on Practical Ethics
Edited by Knud Haakonssen - Thomas Reid on Society and Politics
Thomas Reid, and Edited by Knud Haakonssen and Paul Wood - The Three Mile Island Crisis
Peter S. Houts, Tei-Wei Hu, and Paul D. Cleary - The Time of Popular Sovereignty
Paulina Ochoa Espejo - To Awaken My Afflicted Brethren
Peter P. Hinks - Toleration, Diversity, and Global Justice
Kok-Chor Tan - Too Young to Run?
John Seery - Total Freedom
Chris Matthew Sciabarra - Transcending Textuality
Ariadna García-Bryce - Traumatic Politics
Barry M. Shapiro - The Trouble with Theory
Gavin Kitching - The Truman Administration and Bolivia
Glenn J. Dorn - Trust, Democracy, and Multicultural Challenges
Patti Tamara Lenard - U.S. Intelligence and the Confrontation in Poland, 1980–1981
Douglas MacEachin, and Jeannine O’Grody - Undeclared War
Edward Keynes - Understandings of Russian Foreign Policy
Edited by Ted Hopf - Unfinished Transitions
Elisabeth Friedman - Universities Under Dictatorship
Edited by John Connelly, and Edited by Michael Grüttner - Urban Public Policy
Edited by Martin A. Melosi - Use of Force
Arthur Mark Weisburd - Venezuela Before Chávez
Edited by Ricardo Hausmann and Francisco R. Rodríguez - The Violence of Victimhood
Diane Enns - Visions and Revisions of Eighteenth-Century France
Edited by Christine Adams, Jack R. Mason, and Lisa Jane Graham - Voices from the Gulag
Tzvetan Todorov, and Translated by Robert Zaretsky - The Voter's Dilemma and Democratic Accountability
Mona M. Lyne - Votes That Count and Voters Who Don’t
Sharon E. Jarvis and Soo-Hye Han - Voting Deliberatively
Mary E. Stuckey - Vulnerability and Human Rights
Bryan S. Turner - The Wars of Eduard Shevardnadze
Carolyn Ekedahl, and Melvin A. Goodman - Welfare Reform in Persistent Rural Poverty
Kathleen Pickering, Mark H. Harvey, Gene F. Summers, and David Mushinski - Western Hemisphere Immigration and United States Foreign Policy
Edited by Christopher Mitchell - What Kind of Democracy? What Kind of Market?
Edited by Philip D. Oxhorn, and Graciela Ducatenzeiler - When Bosses Ruled Philadelphia
Peter McCaffery - Why Budgets Matter: Revised and Updated
Dennis S. Ippolito - Why Lawyers Derail Justice
John C. Anderson - Women and Guerrilla Movements
Karen Kampwirth - Women of the Right
Edited by Kathleen M. Blee and Sandra McGee Deutsch - Worlds of Difference
Cary J. Nederman
Political Science Subcategories
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