Political Science-International Relations
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Willard C. Matthias - America/Américas
Eldon Kenworthy - The Arab Bureau
Bruce Westrate - The Bolivian Revolution and the United States, 1952 to the Present
James F. Siekmeier - Bribes, Bullets, and Intimidation
Julie Marie Bunck and Michael Ross Fowler - Cold War Endgame
Edited by William C. Wohlforth - The Colonels’ Coup and the American Embassy
Robert V. Keeley, and Prologue by John O. Iatrides - Cops Across Borders
Ethan Nadelmann - Crafting Peace
Caroline A. Hartzell, and Matthew Hoddie - Crossroads
Cynthia Arnson - Cultural Exchange and the Cold War
Yale Richmond - Democracy at the Point of Bayonets
Mark Peceny - Dictatorship, Democracy, and Globalization
Klaus Friedrich Veigel - Drug Control Policy
Edited by William O. Walker III - Drugs and Security in the Caribbean
Ivelaw Griffith - Experiment in Occupation
Arthur D. Kahn - From Vietnam to 9/11: Second Paperback Edition
John P. Murtha, and With John Plashal - Globalization and Beyond
Edited by Jon Shefner and Patricia Fernández-Kelly - Governing Disorder
Laura Zanotti - In the Shadow of the Rising Sun
William S. Dietrich - Inside the Kremlin During the Yom Kippur War
Victor Israelyan - Inside the Soviet Alternate Universe
Dick Combs, and Foreword by Jack F. Matlock Jr. - Intelligence Intervention in the Politics of Democratic States
Uri Bar-Joseph - Invading Guatemala
Matthew Restall and Florine Asselbergs - Keeping Tito Afloat
Lorraine M. Lees - Law, Power, and the Sovereign State
Michael Ross Fowler, and Julie Marie Bunck - Legalizing Transnational Activism
Jonathan Graubart - Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev
Edited by Sergei Khrushchev - Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev
Edited by Sergei Khrushchev - Military Persuasion
Stephen Cimbala - Models of Capitalism
Edited by Evelyne Huber - My Years with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze
Pavel Palazchenko - The Navy in the Post-Cold War World
Colin S. Gray - Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower
Sergei Khrushchev - On the Battlefields of the Cold War
Victor Israelyan - Paying Attention to Foreign Affairs
Thomas Knecht - Peace Without Justice
Margaret Popkin - Peacemaking by Democracies
Norrin M. Ripsman - Peru and the United States, 1960–1975
Richard J. Walter - The Politics of Warfare
Stephen Cimbala - The Post-NAFTA Political Economy
Edited by Carol Wise - The Price of American Foreign Policy
William I. Bacchus - Refugees and the Asylum Dilemma in the West
Edited by Gil Loescher - Regional Orders
Edited by David A. Lake, and Edited by Patrick M. Morgan - Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention
Brian D. Lepard - Rhetorics of Democracy in the Americas
Edited by Adriana Angel, Michael L. Butterworth, and Nancy R. Gómez - The Rhetorics of US Immigration
Edited by E. Johanna Hartelius - The Rise and Fall of Nuclearism
Sheldon Ungar - Seeking Social Justice Through Globalization
Gavin Kitching - Slovakia on the Road to Independence
Paul Hacker, and with a foreword by Senator Claiborne Pell - Sparks of Liberty
Gene Sosin - State Sovereignty
Edited by Sohail H. Hashmi - Strategy, Security, and Spies
María Emilia Paz - Sunken Treaties
Emily O. Goldman - U.S. Intelligence and the Confrontation in Poland, 1980–1981
Douglas MacEachin, and Jeannine O’Grody - Use of Force
Arthur Mark Weisburd - Vulnerability and Human Rights
Bryan S. Turner - The Wars of Eduard Shevardnadze
Carolyn Ekedahl, and Melvin A. Goodman - Western Hemisphere Immigration and United States Foreign Policy
Edited by Christopher Mitchell
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