Animalibus: Of Animals and Cultures

New and Bestselling Books



About this Series

Animalibus: Of Animals and Cultures is an exciting new book series, edited by historian Nigel Rothfels, and published by the Pennsylvania State University Press. Books in the series share a fascination not only with the importance of animals in human life, but also with how thinking about animals can give us insights into human cultures, in different temporal and geographical contexts. Moreover, they represent a wide range of disciplinary perspectives in the humanities and social sciences, including history, anthropology, social and cultural geography, environmental studies, and literary and art criticism. Books in the series use original research and innovative analysis; demonstrate an awareness of the existing literature in animal studies; eschew disciplinary-specific jargon to serve a wide range of audiences; and have a clear focus on learning something new about human cultures.

Kendra Boileau, Assistant Director, Editor‐in‐Chief

General Editor:
Nigel Rothfels

Advisory Board:
Steve Baker
Susan McHugh
Garry Marvin
Kari Weil

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