Animal Studies
New and Bestselling from this Subject
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Marcus Baynes-Rock, Foreword by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas - Animal Companions
Ingrid H. Tague - Animal Sightings
Jodi Cranston - Animals on Display
Edited by Liv Emma Thorsen, Karen A. Rader, and Adam Dodd - Art for Animals
J. Keri Cronin - Becoming Audible
Austin McQuinn - Becoming Centaur
Monica Mattfeld - The Breathless Zoo
Rachel Poliquin - Canis Modernis
Karalyn Kendall-Morwick - Crocodile Undone
Marcus Baynes-Rock, and Foreword by Agustín Fuentes - Elephant House
Dick Blau and Nigel Rothfels - Every Living Thing
Jenell Johnson - Gorgeous Beasts
Edited by Joan B. Landes, Paula Young Lee, and Paul Youngquist - The Hidden Life of Life
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas - Lesser Living Creatures of the Renaissance
Edited by Keith Botelho and Joseph Campana - Lesser Living Creatures of the Renaissance
Edited by Keith Botelho and Joseph Campana - Love in a Time of Slaughters
Susan McHugh - Maritime Animals
Edited by Kaori Nagai - Master Pongo
Mustafa Haikal, and Translated by Thomas Dunlap - Performing Animals
Edited by Karen Raber and Monica Mattfeld - Pet Projects
Elizabeth Young - Picturing Dogs, Seeing Ourselves
Ann-Janine Morey - A Pre-Columbian Bestiary
Ilan Stavans with etchings by Eko - Rabies in the Streets
Deborah Nadal - Storytelling Apes
Mary Sanders Pollock - Where Honeybees Thrive
Heather Swan - Where the Grass Still Sings
Heather Swan - Wolf Days in Pennsylvania
Henry W. Shoemaker
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