German Studies
New and Bestselling from this Subject
Sort by author Sort by date- Dialectics, Dogmas, and Dissent
John Rodden - DisOrientations
Kristin Dickinson - Enlightenment Anthropology
Carl Niekerk - The Female Secession
Megan Brandow-Faller - Freedom and the Cage
Leslie Topp - Georg Forster
Todd Kontje - German Pietism and the Problem of Conversion
Jonathan Strom - Global Germany Circa 1800
Todd Kontje - Herrnhut
Paul Peucker - An Imperial Homeland
Adam A. Blackler - The Pennsylvania German Broadside
Don Yoder - The Photography of Crisis
Daniel H. Magilow - Pietism and the Sacraments
Peter James Yoder - The Play World
Patricia Anne Simpson - Precious Metal
Peter H. Christensen - Pygmalion in Bavaria
Christiane Hertel - Religion Around Walter Benjamin
Brian Britt - Siting China in Germany
Christiane Hertel - Speaking to Body and Soul
Edited and translated by Katherine M. Faull - Textbook Reds
John Rodden - A Time of Sifting
Paul Peucker - Translating the World
Birgit Tautz - The Vienna School of Art History
Matthew Rampley - Violent First Contact in Venezuela
Peter Hess - Visions of the Future
Matthew Rampley
German Studies Subcategories
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