Hispanic Studies Sale: 40% off!
Save 40% on the titles below with promo code HSP24 at checkout. Offer good while supplies last. Sale ends 9/29.
Pearls for the Crown
Art, Nature, and Race in the Age of Spanish Expansion
Mónica Domínguez Torres
A New Antiquity
Art and Humanity as Universal, 1400–1600
Alessandra Russo
Praying to Portraits
Audience, Identity, and the Inquisition in the Early Modern Hispanic World
Adam Jasienski
Sacred Habitat
Nature and Catholicism in the Early Modern Spanish Atlantic
Ran Segev
A Constellation of Authority
Castilian Bishops and the Secular Church During the Reign of Alfonso VIII
Kyle C. Lincoln
Cold War in the White Cube
U.S. Exhibitions of Latin American Art, 1959–1968
Delia Solomons
The Stolen Bones of St. John of Matha
Forgery, Theft, and Sainthood in the Seventeenth Century
A. Katie Harris
Shortage and Famine in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon
Adam Franklin-Lyons
Habsburg Madrid
Architecture and the Spanish Monarchy
Jesús Escobar
Village Infernos and Witches’ Advocates
Witch-Hunting in Navarre, 1608–1614
Lu Ann Homza
Philip II of Spain and the Architecture of Empire
Laura Fernández-González
Rhetorics of Democracy in the Americas
Edited by Adriana Angel, Michael L. Butterworth, and Nancy R. Gómez
“The Spanish Element in Our Nationality”
Spain and America at the World’s Fairs and Centennial Celebrations, 1876–1915
M. Elizabeth Boone
Black Cookstove
Meditations on Literature, Culture, and Cuisine in Colombia
Germán Patiño Ossa, translated by Jonathan Tittler
Truth in Many Tongues
Religious Conversion and the Languages of the Early Spanish Empire
Daniel I. Wasserman-Soler
Deportable and Disposable
Public Rhetoric and the Making of the “Illegal” Immigrant
Lisa A. Flores
Staging Habla de Negros
Radical Performances of the African Diaspora in Early Modern Spain
Nicholas R. Jones
Polemical Encounters
Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Iberia and Beyond
Edited by Mercedes García-Arenal and Gerard Wiegers
Idolizing Mary
Maya-Catholic Icons in Yucatán, Mexico
Amara Solari
Passing to América
Antonio (Née María) Yta’s Transgressive, Transatlantic Life in the Twilight of the Spanish Empire
Thomas A. Abercrombie
The Prado
Spanish Culture and Leisure, 1819–1939
Eugenia Afinoguénova
Mexican Costumbrismo
Race, Society, and Identity in Nineteenth-Century Art
Mey-Yen Moriuchi
Toledo Cathedral
Building Histories in Medieval Castile
Tom Nickson
Comrades and Commissars
The Lincoln Battalion in the Spanish Civil War
Cecil D. Eby
Mexican Messiah
Andrés Manuel López Obrador
George W. Grayson
Documenting Spain
Artists, Exhibition Culture, and the Modern Nation, 1929–1939
Jordana Mendelson
Art of Estrangement
Redefining Jews in Reconquest Spain
Pamela A. Patton
Political Intelligence and the Creation of Modern Mexico, 1938–1954
Aaron W. Navarro
Venezuela Before Chávez
Anatomy of an Economic Collapse
Edited by Ricardo Hausmann and Francisco R. Rodríguez
Becoming Modern, Becoming Tradition
Women, Gender, and Representation in Mexican Art
Adriana Zavala
The Spanish Gypsy
The History of a European Obsession
Lou Charnon-Deutsch
Post-transitional Justice
Human Rights Trials in Chile and El Salvador
Cath Collins
A History of Argentina in the Twentieth Century
Updated and Revised Edition
Luis Alberto Romero, and Translated by James P. Brennan
From Liberal to Revolutionary Oaxaca
The View from the South, Mexico 1867–1911
Francie R. Chassen-López
Saint and Nation
Santiago, Teresa of Avila, and Plural Identities in Early Modern Spain
Erin Kathleen Rowe
Bribes, Bullets, and Intimidation
Drug Trafficking and the Law in Central America
Julie Marie Bunck and Michael Ross Fowler
The Art of Allegiance
Visual Culture and Imperial Power in Baroque New Spain
Michael Schreffler
Deconstructing Legitimacy
Viceroys, Merchants, and the Military in Late Colonial Peru
Patricia H. Marks
The Sacrament of Penance and Religious Life in Golden Age Spain
Patrick J. O'Banion
Wonder and Exile in the New World
Alex Nava
Rural Protest and the Making of Democracy in Mexico, 1968–2000
Dolores Trevizo
Dictatorship, Democracy, and Globalization
Argentina and the Cost of Paralysis, 1973–2001
Klaus Friedrich Veigel
Made in Mexico
Regions, Nation, and the State in the Rise of Mexican Industrialism, 1920s–1940s
Susan M. Gauss
Deepening Local Democracy in Latin America
Participation, Decentralization, and the Left
Benjamin Goldfrank
The Chankas and the Priest
A Tale of Murder and Exile in Highland Peru
Sabine Hyland
The Fight for Status and Privilege in Late Medieval and Early Modern Castile, 1465–1598
Michael J. Crawford
Inventing the Art Collection
Patrons, Markets, and the State in Nineteenth-Century Spain
Oscar E. Vázquez
Demanding the Land
Urban Popular Movements in Peru and Ecuador, 1990–2005
Paul Dosh, and Photographs by James Lerager
Folkloric Poverty
Neoliberal Multiculturalism in Mexico
Rebecca Overmyer-Velázquez
Copper Workers, International Business, and Domestic Politics in Cold War Chile
Angela Vergara
Contesting Legitimacy in Chile
Familial Ideals, Citizenship, and Political Struggle, 1970–1990
Gwynn Thomas
Feminist Policymaking in Chile
Liesl Haas
Peru and the United States, 1960–1975
How Their Ambassadors Managed Foreign Relations in a Turbulent Era
Richard J. Walter
The Truman Administration and Bolivia
Making the World Safe for Liberal Constitutional Oligarchy
Glenn J. Dorn
Our Indigenous Ancestors
A Cultural History of Museums, Science, and Identity in Argentina, 1877–1943
Carolyne R. Larson
The End Again
Degeneration and Visual Culture in Modern Spain
Oscar E. Vázquez
The Making of a Market
Credit, Henequen, and Notaries in Yucatán, 1850–1900
Juliette Levy
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