Rhetoric and Democratic Deliberation
New and Bestselling Books
- After Gun Violence
Craig Rood - The Australian Citizens’ Parliament and the Future of Deliberative Democracy
Edited by Lyn Carson, John Gastil, Janette Hartz-Karp, and Ron Lubensky - Becoming La Raza
José G. Izaguirre III - Beyond Civility
William Keith and Robert Danisch - Challenges of Ordinary Democracy
Karen Tracy - Championing a Public Good
Carolyn D. Commer - Combating Hate
Billie Murray - Confessional Crises and Cultural Politics in Twentieth-Century America
Dave Tell - Constitutive Visions
Christa J. Olson - Deliberative Acts
Arabella Lyon - Democracy and the Politics of Silence
Mónica Brito Vieira - Democracy, Deliberation, and Education
Robert Asen - Deportable and Disposable
Lisa A. Flores - Dewey for a New Age of Fascism
Nathan Crick - The Evolving Citizen
Jay P. Childers - From Apartheid to Democracy
Katherine Elizabeth Mack - Homeless Advocacy and the Rhetorical Construction of the Civic Home
Melanie Loehwing - How to Belong
Belinda A. Stillion Southard
- Letters to Power
Samuel McCormick - Memories of Lincoln and the Splintering of American Political Thought
Shawn J. Parry-Giles and David S. Kaufer - Networked Media, Networked Rhetorics
Damien Smith Pfister - Practicing Citizenship
Kristy Maddux - The Problematic Public
Edited by Kristian Bjørkdahl - Remembering the War, Forgetting the Terror
Ekaterina V. Haskins - The Rhetoric of Judging Well
Edited by David A. Frank and Francis J. Mootz III - Rhetorical Citizenship and Public Deliberation
Edited by Christian Kock and Lisa Villadsen - Rhetorics of Democracy in the Americas
Edited by Adriana Angel, Michael L. Butterworth, and Nancy R. Gómez - School Choice and the Betrayal of Democracy
Robert Asen - Speaking Hatefully
David Boromisza-Habashi - Speech and Debate as Civic Education
Edited by J. Michael Hogan, Jessica A. Kurr, Michael J. Bergmaier, and Jeremy D. Johnson - Struggle for the City
Derek G. Handley - Thinking Together
Edited by Angela G. Ray and Paul Stob - Votes That Count and Voters Who Don’t
Sharon E. Jarvis and Soo-Hye Han - Voting Deliberatively
Mary E. Stuckey - What It Feels Like
Stephanie R. Larson

About this Series
Rhetoric and Democratic Deliberation publishes books on the character and quality of public discourse in politics and culture. Written by scholars in communication, rhetoric, writing, and critical pedagogy, and informed by diverse theoretical and cultural perspectives, books in the series examine forms and practices of democracy and deliberation across the globe. They consider the issues of participation, activism, exclusion, and resistance that affect social movements, governments, and education. The series is published in association with the Penn State Center for Democratic Deliberation, an interdisciplinary resource for research, teaching, and engaged scholarship on issues of rhetoric, civic engagement, and public deliberation.
We are no longer actively acquiring for this series, but we are accepting submissions to our new series Troubling Democracy.
General Editors:
Cheryl Glenn
Stephen Howard Browne
Co-Founding Editor:
J. Michael Hogan
Advisory Board:
Robert Asen
Debra Hawhee
J. Michael Hogan
Peter Levine
Steven Mailloux
Krista Ratcliffe
Karen Tracy
Kirt Wilson
David Zarefsky
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