Early Modern Studies
New and Bestselling Books
- Alcohol, Violence, and Disorder in Traditional Europe
A. Lynn Martin - The Art of Executing Well
Edited by Nicholas Terpstra - Being Bewitched
Kirsten C. Uszkalo - Beyond Indulgences
Anna Marie Johnson - Boundaries of Faith
Jill R. Fehleison - Bridging Traditions
Edited by Karen Hunger Parshall, Michael T. Walton, and Bruce T. Moran - De valschen Profeten unde Predekanten: The Low German Text of Henry Gresbeck’s Account of the Anabaptist Kingdom of Münster
Introduction by Christopher Mackay - The Defeat of a Renaissance Intellectual
Francesco Guicciardini, and Carlo Celli - Defending the Faith
Edited by Angela Ranson, André A. Gazal, and Sarah Bastow - Episcopal Reform and Politics in Early Modern Europe
Edited by Jennifer Mara DeSilva - The Eucharistic Pamphlets of Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt
Translated and Edited by Amy Nelson Burnett - False Prophets and Preachers
Translated and Edited by Christopher Mackay - Federico Barocci and the Oratorians
Ian F. Verstegen
- Images of Leprosy
Christine M. Boeckl - Luther’s Aesop
Carl P. E. Springer - The Magical Adventures of Mary Parish
Frances Timbers - Passion for History
Natalie Zemon Davis, Denis Crouzet, and Edited by Michael Wolfe - Portraits from the French Renaissance and the Wars of Religion
André Thevet, Translated by Edward Benson, and Edited by Roger Schlesinger - Renaissance Art & Science @ Florence
Susan B. Puett, and J. David Puett - Renaissance Dynasticism and Apanage Politics
Matthew Vester - The Roman Monster
Lawrence Buck - Sabaudian Studies
Edited by Matthew Vester - Social Relations, Politics, and Power in Early Modern France
Edited by Barbara B. Diefendorf - Textual Spaces
Richard E. Keatley - Visual Cultures of Secrecy in Early Modern Europe
Edited by Timothy McCall, Sean Roberts, with Contributions by Giancarlo Fiorenza, Patricia Simons, William Eamon, Maria Ruvoldt, Henry Dietrich Fernández, Allie Terry-Fritsch, and Lyle Massey
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