Medieval and Early Modern Studies-Medieval Art and Architecture
New and Bestselling from this Subject
Sort by title Sort by date- Anderson, Benjamin and Mirela Ivanova, eds.
Is Byzantine Studies a Colonialist Discipline? - Borland, Jennifer
Visualizing Household Health - Buettner, Brigitte
The Mineral and the Visual - Eastmond, Antony
Royal Imagery in Medieval Georgia - Emerick, Judson J.
The Tempietto del Clitunno near Spoleto - Epstein, Marc Michael
People of the Image - Fein, Susanna, and David Raybin, eds.
Chaucer - Fozi, Shirin
Romanesque Tomb Effigies - Fricke, Beate and Aden Kumler, eds.
Destroyed—Disappeared—Lost—Never Were - Gallant, Denva
Illuminating the Vitae patrum - Gearhart, Heidi C.
Theophilus and the Theory and Practice of Medieval Art - Gerstel, Sharon E. J., and Julie A. Lauffenburger, eds.
A Lost Art Rediscovered - Gertsman, Elina
Worlds Within - Gertsman, Elina
The Absent Image - Hahn, Cynthia
Strange Beauty - Henisch, Bridget Ann
The Medieval Calendar Year - Hourihane, Colum, ed.
Between the Picture and the Word - Hourihane, Colum, ed.
Time in the Medieval World - Hourihane, Colum, ed.
Interactions - Hourihane, Colum, ed.
Romanesque Art and Thought in the Twelfth Century - Hourihane, Colum, ed.
Gothic Art and Thought in the Later Medieval Period - Hourihane, Colum, ed.
Insular and Anglo-Saxon Art and Thought in the Early Medieval Period - Hourihane, Colum, ed
Patronage, Power, and Agency in Medieval Art - Hourihane, Colum, ed.
Manuscripta Illuminata - Hourihane, Colum, editor
From Minor to Major - Hutterer, Maile S.
Framing the Church - Joyner, Danielle B.
Painting the Hortus deliciarum - Kersey, Kristopher W.
Facing Images - Kingsley, Jennifer P.
The Bernward Gospels - Kogman-Appel, Katrin
Illuminated Haggadot from Medieval Spain - Ladis, Andrew
Giotto's O - Lapina, Elizabeth
Depicting the Holy War - Lillich, Meredith Parsons
Rainbow Like an Emerald - Lillich, Meredith Parsons
The Gothic Stained Glass of Reims Cathedral - Maginnis, Hayden B. J.
The World of the Early Sienese Painter - Marina, Areli
The Italian Piazza Transformed - Marquardt, Janet T.
Zodiaque - Maxwell, Robert A.
The Art of Medieval Urbanism - Maxwell, Robert, ed.
Representing History, 900–1300 - Mittman, Asa Simon
Cartographies of Exclusion - Morganstern, Anne McGee
High Gothic Sculpture at Chartres Cathedral, the Tomb of the Count of Joigny, and the Master of the Warrior Saints - Neagley, Linda Elaine
Disciplined Exuberance - Nickson, Tom
Toledo Cathedral - Offner, Richard. Edited by Andrew Ladis
A Discerning Eye - Patton, Pamela A.
Art of Estrangement - Patton, Pamela A., and Catherine A. Fernandez, eds.
Iconography Beyond the Crossroads - Patton, Pamela A. and Henry D. Schilb, eds.
The Lives and Afterlives of Medieval Iconography - Patton, Pamela A. and Maria Alessia Rossi, eds.
Out of Bounds - Pentcheva, Bissera V.
Icons and Power - Pentcheva, Bissera V.
The Sensual Icon - Pentcheva, Bissera V.
Hagia Sophia - Ramírez-Weaver, Eric M.
A Saving Science - Robinson, Cynthia
Imagining the Passion in a Multiconfessional Castile - Saalman, Howard
The Bigallo - Schleif, Corine, and Volker Schier
Katerina's Windows - Schulz, Anne Markham
Giammaria Mosca called Padovano - Sherman, Claire Richter
The Portraits of Charles V of France (1338–1380) - Stahl, Harvey
Picturing Kingship - Stockstill, Abbey
Marrakesh and the Mountains - Strehlke, Carl Brandon
Italian Paintings, 1250–1450, in the John G. Johnson Collection and the Philadelphia Museum of Art - Talgam, Rina
Mosaics of Faith - Terry, Ann, and Henry Maguire
Dynamic Splendor - Williams, John, ed.
Imaging the Early Medieval Bible - Zchomelidse, Nino
Art, Ritual, and Civic Identity in Medieval Southern Italy
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