Philosophy-Philosophy of Religion
New and Bestselling from this Subject
Sort by title Sort by date- Bernard-Donals, Michael and Kyle Jensen, eds.
Responding to the Sacred - Bodin, Jean. Translation with an Introduction, Annotations, and Critical Readings by Marion Leathers Kuntz
Colloquium of the Seven About Secrets of the Sublime - Brainard, F. Samuel
Reality and Mystical Experience - Brainard, F. Samuel
Reality’s Fugue - Caws, Peter, and Stefani Jones, eds.
Religious Upbringing and the Costs of Freedom - Chang, Garma C. C.
The Buddhist Teaching of Totality - Chang, Garma C. C., ed.
A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras - Cochran, Elizabeth Agnew
Receptive Human Virtues - Cook, Francis H.
Hua-Yen Buddhism - Crites, Stephen
Dialectic and Gospel in the Development of Hegel's Thinking - Edwards, James C.
The Plain Sense of Things - Frankel, Steven, and Martin D. Yaffe, eds.
Civil Religion in Modern Political Philosophy - Heine, Heinrich, Translated by Stephen Mitchell and by Jack Prelutsky, and illustrated by Mark Podwal, with a foreword by Elisheva Carlebach
Hebrew Melodies - Kerber, Hannes and Svetozar Y. Minkov, eds.
Leo Strauss on Plato’s Euthyphro - Knight, Michael Muhammad
Metaphysical Africa - Kort, Wesley A.
Bound to Differ - Lamm, Julia A.
The Living God - Léon, Céline, and Sylvia Walsh, eds.
Feminist Interpretations of Søren Kierkegaard - Long, Burke O.
Planting and Reaping Albright - Lynch, Paul
Persuasions of God - MacPhail, Eric
Odious Praise - Mallard, William
Language and Love - McDermott, Gerald R.
One Holy and Happy Society - McPherran, Mark L.
The Religion of Socrates - Meilaender, Gilbert
The Limits of Love - Nelson, Paul
Narrative and Morality - Orzech, Charles D.
Politics and Transcendent Wisdom - Prebish, Charles S., ed.
Buddhism - Reeder, John P. Jr.
Killing and Saving - Rickey, Christopher
Revolutionary Saints - Sharma, Arvind
The Philosophy of Religion and Advaita Vedānta - Stark, Judith Chelius, ed.
Feminist Interpretations of Saint Augustine - Thurman, Robert A. F.
The Holy Teaching of Vimalakīrti - Tracy, Thomas F., ed.
The God Who Acts - Walsh, Sylvia
Living Christianly - Willis, Andre C.
Toward a Humean True Religion
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