Business & Economics
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David Griffith - The Battles of Texas
Nate Kreuter and Mark Garrett Longaker - Beyond Labor's Veil
Robert E. Weir - Can Globalization Promote Human Rights?
Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann - Capabilities, Power, and Institutions
Edited by Stephen L. Esquith and Fred Gifford - Collective Courage: Tenth Anniversary Edition
Jessica Gordon Nembhard - A Country Storekeeper in Pennsylvania
Diane E. Wenger - Degas and the Business of Art
Marilyn R. Brown - Democratization Without Representation
Kenneth C. Shadlen - Deutsche Mark Diplomacy
Randall E. Newnham - Developing Poverty
José Itzigsohn - Down and Out in Early America
Edited by Billy G. Smith - Downsizing the State
Dag MacLeod - Economics as Religion: with a new Epilogue
Robert H. Nelson - The Economy of Early America
Edited by Cathy Matson - An Empire of Print
Steven Carl Smith - Extraction Politics
Nicholas S. Paliewicz - The Fight Over Food
Edited by Wynne Wright, and Edited by Gerad Middendorf - For the Love of Murphy's
Jason Togyer - From Windfall to Curse?
Jonathan Di John - Harnessing Globalization
Roy C. Nelson - Hawke's Law
Ronald Libby - In the Shadow of the Rising Sun
William S. Dietrich - Intervention and Underdevelopment
Jon Kofas - Inventing the Art Collection
Oscar E. Vázquez - The Making of a Market
Juliette Levy - Market and Community
Mark I. Lichbach, and Adam B. Seligman - Market Reform in Society
Moisés Arce - Marx versus Markets
Stanley Moore - The Miners of Windber
Mildred Beik - Mobile Capital and Latin American Development
James E. Mahon Jr. - Models of Capitalism
Edited by Evelyne Huber - The Modern Corporation and American Political Thought
Scott Bowman - Money and Politics
Edited by Paula Baker - Net Loss
Nathan Newman - The New Global Economy in the Information Age
Martin Carnoy, Manuel Castells, Stephen Cohen, and Fernando-Henrique Cardoso - The New Holy Wars
Robert H. Nelson - A Place to Live and Work
Harry C. Silcox - Politicians and Economic Reform in New Democracies
Kent Eaton - The Politics of National Capitalism
James P. Brennan, and Marcelo Rougier - The Price of American Foreign Policy
William I. Bacchus - Reactions to the Market
Laura J. Enríquez - Restoring Democracy to America
John F. M. McDermott - Rhetoric in Debt
Kellie Sharp-Hoskins - Rhetoric, Inc.
Timothy Johnson - Rhetorical Style and Bourgeois Virtue
Mark Garrett Longaker - The Rise of the Algorithms
John M. Jordan - Ruling Passions
Edited by Richard R. John - School Choice and the Betrayal of Democracy
Robert Asen - Shifting States in Global Markets
Alfred P. Montero - Stories of Globalization
Alessandro Bonanno, and Douglas H. Constance - Together at the Table
Patricia Allen - Venezuela Before Chávez
Edited by Ricardo Hausmann and Francisco R. Rodríguez - Who Is Black?: 10th Anniversary Edition
F. James Davis - Why Budgets Matter: Revised and Updated
Dennis S. Ippolito - Wives of Steel
Karen Olson
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