Literary Studies-Drama
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Susan L. Cole - Allegories of Kingship
Stephen Rupp - The Asking Mystery
Michael Gelven - The Building in the Text
Roy Eriksen - The Complete Plays of Jean Racine
Jean Racine, Translated into English rhymed couplets with critical notes and commentary by Geoffrey Alan Argent - The Complete Plays of Jean Racine
Jean Racine, Translated into English rhymed couplets with critical notes and commentary by Geoffrey Alan Argent - The Complete Plays of Jean Racine
Jean Racine, Translated into English rhymed couplets with critical notes and commentary by Geoffrey Alan Argent - The Complete Plays of Jean Racine
Jean Racine, Translated into English rhymed couplets with critical notes and commentary by Geoffrey Alan Argent - The Complete Plays of Jean Racine
Jean Racine, Translated into English rhymed couplets with critical notes and commentary by Geoffrey Alan Argent - Culinary Shakespeare
Edited by David B. Goldstein and Amy L. Tigner - The Drama of the Portrait
Laura R. Bass - Eugene O'Neill's Creative Struggle
Doris Alexander - Euripides’ Medea
Emily McDermott - Figuring Transcendence in Les Misérables
Kathryn M. Grossman - Forgiving the Gift
Sean Lawrence - The Four Shakespeare Folios, 1623–2023
Edited by Samuel V. Lemley - Freud and the Passions
Edited by John O’Neill - Here in This Island We Arrived
Elisabeth H. Kinsley - Ibsen Cycle
Brian Johnston - Illusion and the Drama
Frederick Burwick - In Search of the Classic
Steven Shankman - Magic and Masculinity in Early Modern English Drama
Ian McAdam - Medieval Roles for Modern Times
Helen Solterer - Missing Socrates
Jay Farness - The Novels and Plays of Eduardo Manet
Phyllis Zatlin - The Passion Story
Edited by Marcia Kupfer - Plato's Parmenides
Mitchell H. Miller Jr. - Reading the Renaissance
Edited by Marc Berley - Religion Around Shakespeare
Peter Iver Kaufman - Rethinking Shakespeare's Skepticism
Suzanne M. Tartamella - Scaramutza in Germany
Judith P. Aikin - Shakespearean Resurrection
Sean Benson - Shakespearean Tragedy and Its Double
Kent Cartwright - SHAW 24: Dionysian Shaw
Edited by Michel W. Pharand - SHAW: Shaw & History, The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 19
Edited by Gale Larson, and Fred Crawford - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 10
Edited by Stanley Weintraub, and Fred Crawford - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 11
Edited by T.F. Evans - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 12
Edited by Fred Crawford - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 13
Edited by John A. Bertolini - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 14
Edited by Bernard F. Dukore - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 15
Edited by Fred Crawford - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 17
Edited by Milton Wolf - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 18
Edited by Fred Crawford - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 2
Edited by Stanley Weintraub - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 22
Edited by Gale Larson - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 23
Edited by Gale Larson, and MaryAnn K. Crawford - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, vol. 25
Edited by Gale Larson, and Edited by MaryAnn K. Crawford - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, vol. 26
Edited by MaryAnn K. Crawford, and Edited by Heidi J. Holder - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, vol. 27
Edited by MaryAnn K. Crawford, and Edited by Michel W. Pharand - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, vol. 28
Edited by Lagretta Lenker - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, vol. 29
Edited by Michel W. Pharand, and Julie Sparks - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, vol. 31
Edited by Michel W. Pharand - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 4
Edited by Stanley Weintraub - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 6
Edited by Stanley Weintraub - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 7
Edited by Alfred Turco Jr. - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Vol. 8
Edited by Stanley Weintraub, and Fred Crawford - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, Volume 21
Edited by Gale Larson - SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies. Vol. 5
Edited by Rodelle Weintraub - Stages of Desire
Michael Kidd - Stages of Engagement
Edited by James Mardock and Kathryn McPherson - Staging Habla de Negros
Nicholas R. Jones - Text and Supertext in Ibsen’s Drama
Brian Johnston - Tragic Method and Tragic Theology
Larry D. Bouchard - Turning Toward Philosophy
Jill Gordon
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