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A Taste for Comfort and Status - Adams, Christine, Jack R. Censer, and Lisa Jane Graham, eds.
Visions and Revisions of Eighteenth-Century France - Anderson, Thornton
Creating the Constitution - Ansart, Guillaume
Condorcet - Bellion, Wendy
Iconoclasm in New York - Bever, Edward and Randall Styers, eds.
Magic in the Modern World - Bouton, Cynthia A.
The Flour War - Browne, Stephen Howard
The First Inauguration - Buccini, Stefania
The Americas in Italian Literature and Culture, 1700–1825 - Byrnes, Joseph F.
Priests of the French Revolution - Censer, Jack R. and Lynn Hunt
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity - Chambers, Sarah C.
From Subjects to Citizens - Choudhury, Mita
The Wanton Jesuit and the Wayward Saint - Cochran, Elizabeth Agnew
Receptive Human Virtues - Cope, Rachel and Zachary McLeod Hutchins, eds.
The Writings of Elizabeth Webb - Craft-Fairchild, Catherine
Masquerade and Gender - Crubaugh, Anthony
Balancing the Scales of Justice - de Lezay-Marnésia, Claude-François Edited with an introduction by Benjamin HoffmannTranslated by Alan J. Singerman
Letters Written from the Banks of the Ohio - Dewald, Jonathan
Lost Worlds - Donoghue II, Norman E.
Prisoners of Congress - Egle, William Henry
Some Pennsylvania Women During the War of the Revolution - Erben, Patrick M., ed.; Alfred L. Brophy and Margo M. Lambert, associate eds.
The Francis Daniel Pastorius Reader - Faull, Katherine M., ed. and trans.
Cultures at the Susquehanna Confluence - Faull, Katherine M., ed., trans.
Speaking to Body and Soul - Few, Martha, Zeb Tortorici, and Adam Warren. Translated by Nina M. Scott.
Baptism Through Incision - Fitzsimmons, Michael P.
The Night the Old Regime Ended - Frankel, Steven, and Martin D. Yaffe, eds.
Civil Religion in Modern Political Philosophy - Fraser, Elisabeth A.
Mediterranean Encounters - Fromont, Cécile
Images on a Mission in Early Modern Kongo and Angola - Gildrie, Richard P.
The Profane, the Civil, and the Godly - Gordon, Scott Paul, ed.
The Letters of Mary Penry - Hafter, Daryl M.
Women at Work in Preindustrial France - Hanson, Paul R.
The Jacobin Republic Under Fire - Harsanyi, Doina Pasca
Lessons from America - Healey, Robynne Rogers, ed.
Quakerism in the Atlantic World, 1690–1830 - Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus
History, Manners, and Customs of the Indian Nations Who Once Inhabited Pennsylvania and the Neighbouring States - Higgins, Kathleen J.
“Licentious Liberty” in a Brazilian Gold-Mining Region - Hoffmann, Benjamin, Translated by Alan J. Singerman
Posthumous America - Hoselton, Ryan P., Jan Stievermann, Douglas A. Sweeney, and Michael A. G. Haykin, eds.
The Bible in Early Transatlantic Pietism and Evangelicalism - Hruschka, John
How Books Came to America - Ireland, Owen S.
Sentiments of a British-American Woman - Johns, Christopher M. S.
The Visual Culture of Catholic Enlightenment - Kliger, Ilya
The Narrative Shape of Truth - Kontje, Todd
Georg Forster - Lane, Kris
Pandemic in Potosí - Lehmann, Hartmut, Hermann Wellenreuther, and Renate Wilson, eds
In Search of Peace and Prosperity - Liebert, Hugh
Gibbon’s Christianity - Marcus-Sells, Ariela
Sorcery or Science? - Markoff, John
The Abolition of Feudalism - Mattfeld, Monica
Becoming Centaur - McLeod, Jane
Licensing Loyalty - McPherson, Heather
Art and Celebrity in the Age of Reynolds and Siddons - Merrick, Jeffrey, ed.
Sodomites, Pederasts, and Tribades in Eighteenth-Century France - Merrick, Jeffrey, ed.
Policing Same-Sex Relations in Eighteenth-Century Paris - Milroy, Elizabeth
The Grid and the River - Minor, Heather Hyde
Piranesi’s Lost Words - Moon, Iris
Luxury After the Terror - New, Melvyn and Anthony W. Lee, eds.
Notes on Footnotes - Niekerk, Carl
Enlightenment Anthropology - Parks, A. Franklin
William Parks - Peucker, Paul
A Time of Sifting - Peucker, Paul
Herrnhut - Pietrenka, Benjamin M.
Religion on the Margins - Pizzigoni, Caterina, and Camilla Townsend
Indigenous Life After the Conquest - Potocki, Ignacy, edited and translated by Carolyn C. Guile
Remarks on Architecture - Prévost, Abbé, translated with an introduction by Alan J. Singerman, with a foreword by Jean Sgard
The Greek Girl's Story - Ranum, Orest
Paris in the Age of Absolutism: Revised and Expanded Edition - Rasmussen, Dennis C.
The Problems and Promise of Commercial Society - Rohrer, S. Scott
Jacob Green’s Revolution - Rohrer, S. Scott
The Folly of Revolution - Sachse, Julius Friedrich
The German Pietists of Provincial Pennsylvania - Selwyn, Pamela E.
Everyday Life in the German Book Trade - Shapiro, Barry M.
Traumatic Politics - Simpson-Younger, Nancy L. and Margaret Simon eds.
Forming Sleep - Smith, Hilda L.
All Men and Both Sexes - Smith, Jay M., ed.
The French Nobility in the Eighteenth Century - Snyder, Charles McCool, John W. Downie, and Lois Kalp
Union County, Pennsylvania - Spencer, Mark G., ed.
David Hume - Stagg, Allison M.
Prints of a New Kind - Stievermann, Jan and Oliver Scheiding, eds.
A Peculiar Mixture - Strom, Jonathan
German Pietism and the Problem of Conversion - Tackett, Timothy
Becoming a Revolutionary - Tague, Ingrid H.
Animal Companions - Tautz, Birgit
Translating the World - Taws, Richard
The Politics of the Provisional - Thomas, Robin L.
Architecture and Statecraft - Thomas, Robin L.
Palaces of Reason - Walton, Charles, ed.
Into Print - Wiggin, Bethany, ed.
Babel of the Atlantic - Wilson, David B.
Seeking Nature's Logic - Wokeck, Marianne S.
Trade in Strangers - Yonan, Michael
Empress Maria Theresa and the Politics of Habsburg Imperial Art - Zanardi, Tara
Framing Majismo
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