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Satire as the Comic Public Sphere (2024)
- MacPhail, Eric
Odious Praise (2024)
- Miller, Ted H.
Friendly Sovereignty (2024)
- Brito Vieira, Mónica
Democracy and the Politics of Silence (2024)
- Simon, Julia
The Inconvenient Lonnie Johnson (2023)
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Religion Around Walter Benjamin (2022)
- Ellwanger, Adam, with a foreword by Pat J. Gehrke
Metanoia (2022)
- Murray, Stuart J.
The Living from the Dead (2022)
- Allen, Amy and Eduardo Mendieta, eds.
Power, Neoliberalism, and the Reinvention of Politics (2022)
- Beem, Christopher
The Seven Democratic Virtues (2022)
- Frankel, Steven, and Martin D. Yaffe, eds.
Civil Religion in Modern Political Philosophy (2021)
- Allen, Amy and Eduardo Mendieta, eds.
Decolonizing Ethics (2021)
- Asen, Robert
School Choice and the Betrayal of Democracy (2021)
- Stuckey, Mary E.
Deplorable (2021)
- Crick, Nathan
Dewey for a New Age of Fascism (2020)
- Browne, Stephen Howard
The First Inauguration (2020)
- Keith, William and Robert Danisch
Beyond Civility (2020)
- Cintron, Ralph
Democracy as Fetish (2019)
- Pagani, Karen
Man or Citizen (2017)
- Warner, John M.
Rousseau and the Problem of Human Relations (2017)
- Dombrowski, Daniel A.
Rawlsian Explorations in Religion and Applied Philosophy (2016)
- Ansart, Guillaume
Condorcet (2016)
- Lenard, Patti Tamara
Trust, Democracy, and Multicultural Challenges (2016)
- Kurtz, Geoffrey
Jean Jaurès (2016)
- Stroud, Scott R.
Kant and the Promise of Rhetoric (2016)
- Esquith, Stephen L.
The Political Responsibilities of Everyday Bystanders (2015)
- Miller, Ted H.
Mortal Gods (2015)
- Spencer, Mark G., ed.
David Hume (2015)
- Franco, Paul, and Leslie Marsh, eds.
A Companion to Michael Oakeshott (2015)
- Reid, Thomas, edited by Knud Haakonssen and Paul Wood
Thomas Reid on Society and Politics (2015)
- Ellis, Elisabeth, ed.
Kant’s Political Theory (2015)
- Shanks, Torrey
Authority Figures (2015)
- Levy, Daniel, and Natan Sznaider
Human Rights and Memory (2014)
- Moore, Adam D.
Privacy Rights (2014)
- Church, Jeffrey
Infinite Autonomy (2014)
- Alhadeff, Cara Judea
Viscous Expectations (2014)
- Mathiowetz, Dean
Appeals to Interest (2014)
- O'Neill, Daniel, Mary Lyndon Shanley, and Iris Marion Young, eds.
Illusion of Consent (2013)
- Morrell, Michael E.
Empathy and Democracy (2013)
- Taylor, Robert S.
Reconstructing Rawls (2013)
- Enns, Diane
The Violence of Victimhood (2013)
- Hirschmann, Nancy J. and Joanne H. Wright, eds.
Feminist Interpretations of Thomas Hobbes (2013)
- Abbey, Ruth, ed.
Feminist Interpretations of John Rawls (2013)
- Sciabarra, Chris Matthew
Ayn Rand: Second Edition (2013)
- McCormick, Samuel
Letters to Power (2013)
- O'Neill, Daniel I.
The Burke-Wollstonecraft Debate (2012)
- Prentiss, Craig
Debating God's Economy (2012)
- Hendrix, Burke A.
Ownership, Authority, and Self-Determination (2012)
- Craiutu, Aurelian, and Jeffrey C. Isaac, eds
America Through European Eyes (2012)
- Scholz, Sally J
Political Solidarity (2012)
- Shotwell, Alexis
Knowing Otherwise (2012)
- Kochin, Michael S.
Five Chapters on Rhetoric (2012)
- Vivian, Bradford
Public Forgetting (2012)
- Rosa, Hartmut, and William E. Scheuerman, eds.
High-Speed Society (2011)
- Weiss, Penny A.
Canon Fodder (2011)
- Ochoa Espejo, Paulina
The Time of Popular Sovereignty (2011)
- Tracy, Karen
Challenges of Ordinary Democracy (2011)
- Williams, David Lay, with a Foreword by Patrick Riley
Rousseau's Platonic Enlightenment (2010)
- Hengehold, Laura
The Body Problematic (2010)
- Cooper, Laurence D.
Eros in Plato, Rousseau, and Nietzsche (2010)
- Dzur, Albert W.
Democratic Professionalism (2010)
- Zumbrunnen, John G.
Silence and Democracy (2010)
- Widder, Nathan
Reflections on Time and Politics (2010)
- Button, Mark E.
Contract, Culture, and Citizenship (2010)
- Markovits, Elizabeth
The Politics of Sincerity (2010)
- Chambers, Clare
Sex, Culture, and Justice (2009)
- Rasmussen, Dennis C.
The Problems and Promise of Commercial Society (2009)
- Gatens, Moira, ed.
Feminist Interpretations of Benedict Spinoza (2009)
- Teske, Nathan
Political Activists in America (2009)
- Green, Karen, Constant J. Mews, and Janice Pinder
The Book of Peace (2008)
- Locke, Jill, and Eileen Hunt Botting, eds.
Feminist Interpretations of Alexis de Tocqueville (2008)
- Kitching, Gavin
The Trouble with Theory (2008)
- May, Todd
The Political Thought of Jacques Rancière (2008)
- Schwartzman, Lisa H.
Challenging Liberalism (2007)
- Cahoone, Lawrence E.
Cultural Revolutions (2006)
- McBride, Keally D.
Collective Dreams (2006)
- Heberle, Renée J., ed.
Feminist Interpretations of Theodor Adorno (2006)
- Turner, Bryan S.
Vulnerability and Human Rights (2006)
- Hirschmann, Nancy J. and Kirstie M. McClure, eds.
Feminist Interpretations of John Locke (2006)
- Weiss, Penny A., and Loretta Kensinger
Feminist Interpretations of Emma Goldman (2006)
- Rasmussen, Douglas B. and Douglas J. Den Uyl
Norms of Liberty (2005)
- Hekman, Susan J.
Private Selves, Public Identities (2005)
- Rickey, Christopher
Revolutionary Saints (2004)
- Margolis, Joseph
Moral Philosophy After 9/11 (2004)
- Leib, Ethan J.
Deliberative Democracy in America (2004)
- Fontana, Benedetto, Cary J. Nederman, and Gary Remer, eds.
Talking Democracy (2004)
- Nelson, Lynn Hankinson and Jack Nelson, eds.
Feminist Interpretations of W. V. Quine (2003)
- Hargrove, Erwin, ed.
The Future of the Democratic Left in Industrial Democracies (2003)
- Hariman, Robert, ed.
Prudence (2003)
- Marcus, George E.
The Sentimental Citizen (2002)
- Rosenthal, Bernice Glatzer
New Myth, New World (2002)
- Höffe, Otfried
Categorical Principles of Law (2001)
- Wallach, John R.
The Platonic Political Art (2001)
- Nardin, Terry
The Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott (2001)
- Tan, Kok-Chor
Toleration, Diversity, and Global Justice (2000)
- Matthes, Melissa M.
The Rape of Lucretia and the Founding of Republics (2000)
- Sciabarra, Chris Matthew
Total Freedom (2000)
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The Denial of Bosnia (2000)
- Nederman, Cary J.
Worlds of Difference (2000)
- Popkin, Margaret
Peace Without Justice (2000)
- Steger, Manfred B. and Terrell Carver, eds.
Engels After Marx (1999)
- Carver, Terrell
The Postmodern Marx (1999)
- Kingstone, Peter R.
Crafting Coalitions for Reform (1999)
- Koziak, Barbara
Retrieving Political Emotion (1999)
- Cooper, Laurence D.
Rousseau, Nature, and the Problem of the Good Life (1999)
- Walton, Douglas
Appeal to Popular Opinion (1998)
- Anderson, John C.
Why Lawyers Derail Justice (1998)
- Eisenach, Eldon J., ed.
Mill and the Moral Character of Liberalism (1998)
- Follett, Mary Parker
The New State (1998)
- Elkin, Stephen L. and Karol Edward Soltan, eds.
Citizen Competence and Democratic Institutions (1998)
- Oxhorn, Philip D. and Graciela Ducatenzeiler, eds.
What Kind of Democracy? What Kind of Market? (1998)
- Gallagher, Susan E.
The Rule of the Rich? (1998)
- Forman, Michael
Nationalism and the International Labor Movement (1998)
- Hashmi, Sohail H., ed.
State Sovereignty (1997)
- Lake, David A., and Patrick Morgan, eds.
Regional Orders (1997)
- Mattson, Kevin
Creating a Democratic Public (1997)
- May, Todd
Reconsidering Difference (1997)
- Falco, Maria J., ed.
Feminist Interpretations of Mary Wollstonecraft (1996)
- Keynes, Edward
Liberty, Property, and Privacy (1996)
- Marx-Scouras, Danielle
The Cultural Politics of Tel Quel (1996)
- Peterson, Richard T.
Democratic Philosophy and the Politics of Knowledge (1996)
- Soltan, Karol Edward, and Stephen L. Elkin, eds.
The Constitution of Good Societies (1996)
- Boesche, Roger
Theories of Tyranny (1995)
- Bowman, Scott
The Modern Corporation and American Political Thought (1995)
- Fowler, Michael Ross, and Julie Marie Bunck
Law, Power, and the Sovereign State (1995)
- Kenworthy, Eldon
America/Américas (1995)
- Kingwell, Mark
A Civil Tongue (1995)
- May, Todd
The Moral Theory of Poststructuralism (1995)
- Kitching, Gavin
Marxism and Science (1994)
- May, Todd
The Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist Anarchism (1994)
- Caputo, John, and Mark Yount, eds.
Foucault and the Critique of Institutions (1993)
- Fallon, Robert Thomas
Milton in Government (1993)
- Marcus, George E., and Russell L. Hanson, eds.
Reconsidering the Democratic Public (1993)
- Elshtain, Jean Bethke
Meditations on Modern Political Thought (1992)
- Moore, Stanley
Marx versus Markets (1992)
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