Religious Studies & Religion-History of Religion
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Marion Leathers Kuntz - The Aroma of Righteousness
Deborah A. Green - The Art of Healing
Marcia Kupfer - The Bathhouse at Midnight
W. F. Ryan - Battling Demons
Michael D. Bailey - The Bible in Early Transatlantic Pietism and Evangelicalism
Edited by Ryan P. Hoselton, Jan Stievermann, Douglas A. Sweeney, and Michael A. G. Haykin - Binding Earth and Heaven
Gary Shepherd and Gordon Shepherd - Binding Words
Don C. Skemer - Black Messiahs and Uncle Toms
Wilson J. Moses - Blacks of the Rosary
Elizabeth W. Kiddy - Broken Lights and Mended Lives
William Caferro - Buddhism
Edited by Charles S. Prebish - The Buddhist Teaching of Totality
Garma C.C. Chang - Cambodian Evangelicalism
Briana L. Wong - Catholic and French Forever
Joseph F. Byrnes - Charlotte von Kirschbaum and Karl Barth
Suzanne Selinger - Cities and Saints
Ethel Sara Wolper - Cities of God
Augustine Thompson, O.P. - Civil Religion in Modern Political Philosophy
Edited by Steven Frankel and Martin D. Yaffe - The Coming of Christianity to Anglo-Saxon England
Henry Mayr-Harting - Community of the Cross
Craig D. Atwood - Conjuring Spirits
Edited by Claire Fanger - Conscience and Community
Andrew R. Murphy - A Constellation of Authority
Kyle C. Lincoln - The Creation of Modern Quaker Diversity, 1830–1937
Edited by Stephen W. Angell, Pink Dandelion, and David Harrington Watt - The Crossroads of American History and Literature
Philip F. Gura - Cultures at the Susquehanna Confluence
Edited and Translated by Katherine M. Faull - Defending the Faith
Edited by Angela Ranson, André A. Gazal, and Sarah Bastow - Doctrine and Disease in the British and Spanish Colonial World
Kathleen Miller - The English Reformation: Second Edition
A. G. Dickens - Eros for the Other
Wendy Farley - Ethnographies and Exchanges
Edited by A. G. Roeber - The Fear of Freedom
Rowan A. Greer - The Feast of Corpus Christi
Barbara R. Walters, Vincent Corrigan, and Peter T. Ricketts - The First Historians
Baruch Halpern - For the Union of Evangelical Christendom
Allen Guelzo - Forbidden Rites
Richard Kieckhefer - Forgotten Franciscans
Martin Austin Nesvig - German Pietism and the Problem of Conversion
Jonathan Strom - The German Pietists of Provincial Pennsylvania
Julius F. Sachse - Gibbon’s Christianity
Hugh Liebert - The Gift of Tongues
Christine F. Cooper-Rompato - The God of This House
Caroline Johnson Hodge - God on the Western Front
Joseph F. Byrnes - The God Who Acts
Edited by Thomas F. Tracy - Gods of the Andes
Sabine Hyland - Heaven on Earth
Edited by Linda Safran - Herrnhut
Paul Peucker - Holiness and Pentecostal Movements
Edited by David Bundy, Geordan Hammond, and David Han - The Holy Teaching of Vimalakīrti
Robert A. F. Thurman - The Holy War Idea in Western and Islamic Traditions
James Turner Johnson - Horse-and-Buggy Mennonites
Donald B. Kraybill and James P. Hurd - Icons and Power
Bissera V. Pentcheva - The Iliad, the Rāmāyaṇa, and the Work of Religion
Gregory D. Alles - Illuminated Haggadot from Medieval Spain
Katrin Kogman-Appel - The Image of Bar Kokhba in Traditional Jewish Literature
Richard G. Marks - Images on a Mission in Early Modern Kongo and Angola
Cécile Fromont - The Infortunate: Second Edition
Edited by Susan E. Klepp and Billy G. Smith - Invoking Angels
Edited by Claire Fanger - An Irish Rebel in New Spain
Andrea Martínez Baracs and Translated By Hank Heifetz - Islamization and Native Religion in the Golden Horde
Devin DeWeese - The Island Broken in Two Halves
Jean E. Rosenfeld - Jacob Green’s Revolution
S. Scott Rohrer - Jean Gerson and the Last Medieval Reformation
Brian Patrick McGuire - Jewish Literary Cultures
David Stern - Jews in China
Irene Eber, and Edited with an introduction by Kathryn Hellerstein - Jews, Antiquity, and the Nineteenth-Century Imagination
Edited by Hayim Lapin and Dale Martin - John Clarke and His Legacies
Sydney James, and Edited by T. Dwight Bozeman - Jonathan Edwards and the Catholic Vision of Salvation
Anri Morimoto - Joseph Priestley and English Unitarianism in America
J. D. Bowers - Journeymen for Jesus
William R. Sutton - Jutta and Hildegard
Anna Silvas - Katerina's Windows
Corine Schleif and Volker Schier - Kimbanguism
Aurélien Mokoko Gampiot, Translated by Cécile Coquet-Mokoko - A Kingdom on Earth
Paul T. Phillips - The Ladies of Zamora
Peter Linehan - Language and Love
William Mallard - The Light in Their Consciences: Twentieth Anniversary Edition
Rosemary Moore - The Limits of Love
Gilbert Meilaender - The Long Life of Magical Objects
Allegra Iafrate - Magic in the Modern World
Edited by Edward Bever and Randall Styers - Making Magic in Elizabethan England
Edited by Frank Klaassen - Mary’s Mother
Virginia Nixon - Medicine, Religion, and Magic in Early Stuart England
Ofer Hadass - Memorializing the Unsung
Elochukwu Uzukwu, C.S.Sp. - The Monk’s Haggadah
Edited by David Stern, Christoph Markschies, and Sarit Shalev-Eyni - The Moravian Mission Diaries of David Zeisberger
Edited by Hermann Wellenreuther and Carola Wessel, Translated by Julie T. Weber - Mosaics of Faith
Rina Talgam - Mysticism
Jess Hollenback - Negotiating the Christian Past in China
Jifeng Liu - The New York Cruciform Lectionary
Jeffrey Anderson - Odious Praise
Eric MacPhail - One Holy and Happy Society
Gerald McDermott - Oneness Pentecostalism
Edited by Lloyd D. Barba, Andrea Shan Johnson, Daniel Ramírez, and Foreword by Grant Wacker - Origins of the Witches’ Sabbath
Michael D. Bailey - Orthodox Russia
Edited by Valerie A. Kivelson, and Robert H. Greene - The Oxford Movement
C. Brad Faught - Painting the Hortus deliciarum
Danielle B. Joyner - Pandemic in Potosí
Kris Lane - The Perfection of Solitude
Andrew Jotischky - The Philosophy of Religion and Advaita Vedānta
Arvind Sharma - Picturing Kingship
Harvey Stahl - The Plain Sense of Things
James C. Edwards - Planting and Reaping Albright
Burke Long - Poets, Saints, and Visionaries of the Great Schism, 1378–1417
Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski - Polemical Encounters
Edited by Mercedes García-Arenal and Gerard Wiegers - Politics and Transcendent Wisdom
Charles D. Orzech - Positivist Republic
Gillis Harp - The Powers of the Holy
David Aers, and Lynn Staley - The Practice of Pluralism
Mark Häberlein - Prayer, Magic, and the Stars in the Ancient and Late Antique World
Edited by Scott Noegel, Joel Walker, and Brannon Wheeler - Priests of the French Revolution
Joseph F. Byrnes - A Prodigal Saint
Nadieszda Kizenko - The Profane, the Civil, and the Godly
Richard P. Gildrie - Quaker Women, 1800–1920
Edited by Robynne Rogers Healey and Carole Dale Spencer - Religion Around Emily Dickinson
W. Clark Gilpin - Religion Around Shakespeare
Peter Iver Kaufman - Religion Around Walter Benjamin
Brian Britt - Religion on the Margins
Benjamin M. Pietrenka - Religious Routes to Gladstonian Liberalism
Jacob Ellens - Rewriting Magic
Claire Fanger - Rhetoric and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Bruce McComiskey - Ritual Magic
Elizabeth M. Butler - The Sacrament of Penance and Religious Life in Golden Age Spain
Patrick J. O'Banion - Sacred Estrangement
Peter A. Dorsey - Sacred Habitat
Ran Segev - Sacred Plunder
David M. Perry - The Sanctification of Don Quixote
Edited by Eric Ziolkowski - Send Me God
Translated by Martinus Cawley, and Preface by Barbara Newman - The Sensual Icon
Bissera V. Pentcheva - Signs of Devotion
Virginia Blanton - Soldiers of Christ
Edited by Thomas F. X. Noble, and Thomas Head - The Spiritual Franciscans
David Burr - The Stolen Bones of St. John of Matha
A. Katie Harris - Stories of the Rose
Anne Winston-Allen - Strange Revelations
Lynn Wood Mollenauer - Subversive Virtue
James A. Francis - A Time of Sifting
Paul Peucker - The Transformations of Magic
Frank Klaassen - Translated Christianities
Mark Z. Christensen - A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras
Edited by Garma C.C. Chang - Understanding the Qurʾanic Miracle Stories in the Modern Age
Isra Yazicioglu - Unlocked Books
Benedek Láng - Villanova University, 1842–1992
David R. Contosta - The Visual Culture of Catholic Enlightenment
Christopher M. S. Johns - A Vivifying Spirit
Janet Moore Lindman - Voices of the Turtledoves
Jeff Bach - Wandering Monks, Virgins, and Pilgrims
Maribel Dietz - The Wanton Jesuit and the Wayward Saint
Mita Choudhury - War and Memory at the Time of the Fifth Crusade
Megan Cassidy-Welch - William Penn
J. William Frost - Worlds of Difference
Cary J. Nederman - Writing as Resistance
Rachel Feldhay Brenner - Zen and the Unspeakable God
Jason N. Blum
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